

爱狗却养猫 饭丝

今天在IYouPort上看到这么一段Tor browser友好版本):

几个月前,就在BLM运动最火热的阶段,关于种族歧视的争论也同时爆发在中文网络上;于是一个IDR国际实验室小测试游戏开始在中文网络流行,题为 “您有多法西斯?”

结果是,一些参与者惊讶地发现,自以为很正直正义,却测出了较高的 “法西斯主义比重”。

心理学长期的医学经验已经足够表明,“法西斯主义” 仅仅是普通人的性格结构的有组织的政治表现,请注意,这种性格结构既不限于某些种族或民族、也不限于某些政党,正相反,它是普通的和国际性的



任何一个人在其性格结构上都具有一定程度的法西斯主义情感和思想因素。作为一个政治运动,法西斯主义不同于其他反动党派的地方在于 —— 它是由人民大众产生和拥护的。

先不论这段具体论断(或者吐槽其翻译风格);因为感兴趣,我去搜了一下IDR (Individual differences research)的“法西斯主义测验”,中文版在这里:https://www.idrlabs.com/cn/fascism/test.php


  1. goodidea 想被玩坏
    goodidea   我好想被最心爱的人玩坏,反正感觉自己活不久了,还不如被玩坏呢

    法西斯主义测试 Result chart 您是 35%法西斯,这显示您是 法西斯主义同路者。 对您来说,您的政治观点似乎与法西斯主义的一些核心理论有共同之处。由于法西斯主义实际上是共产主义、社会主义、保守主义和自由主义的混合体,并带有一些自己的创新,大多数人的政治观与法西斯主义的学说有相当多的相似之处也就不足为奇了。然而,即使调整了这些因素,您的政治观点和法西斯主义之间的共同点似乎也不仅仅是偶然的,您的个人观点与法西斯主义的某些总体主题、关注点和解决方案有共同点。虽然您很可能不是法西斯主义者,但您所喜欢的社会和法西斯主义社会之间的重叠非常明显,绝非偶然。很可能,您就是人们所说的法西斯同路者:您可以看到法西斯主义将带来的一些直接社会变革的价值,但不是一个真正的法西斯主义者。您的最终政治目标在别处。

  2. 琳不可瑤混 小朋友
    琳不可瑤混   你們可不能混瑤哦!


  3. iceyjuice 三冠王
    iceyjuice   Look at the cleanse! Look at the move! JINPING, WHAT WAS THAT?!


  4. 中野梓 轻音部
    中野梓   好无聊~


  5. 狼狼醬 耶渣
    狼狼醬   私信可以,但我保留你亂罵的時候公開私信的權利。不算好的基督徒,深信左右都是膠的港獨。


  6. 冉闵 民族主义者
    冉闵   坚持中华统一,反对魔怔姨学!


  7. 刘慈欣 反共复民
    刘慈欣   反共复民

    @冉闵 #100856 你起这个名字一看就知道是民族主义者。

  8. 刘慈欣 反共复民
    刘慈欣   反共复民


  9. 爱狗却养猫 饭丝

    @刘慈欣 #100862 目前为止,没有,没有,没有:)

    @冉闵 #100856 大概是因为法西斯主义有一些民族主义的元素吧。:)

  10. arthur  

    You are 14% Fascist, which makes you Not Fascist.

    While your political outlook may share a few (or even quite a few) of fascism's fundamental doctrines, it is overall safe to say that your political orientation is not a fascist one. Now, you may find this result unsurprising, but in reality, most people have at least some points of agreement with fascism since fascism is really a mix of communism, socialism, conservatism, and liberalism, with a few innovations of its own thrown in. Hence, adjusting for these factors, even though your fascism percentage might seem quite high, there is really nothing surprising about these agreements, when viewed in their proper historical context, so rest assured: Your political beliefs are definitely not fascist.

  11. arthur  

    还做了另外一个test:F-scale Test: Testing your receptivity to authoritarian/fascist beliefs


    This makes you 26.4% less authoritarian than the average person.

    Conventionalism Rigid adherence to conventional, middle-class values. Your Score: Very Low

    Authoritarian Submission Submissive, uncritical attitude towards the idealized authorities of the group. Your Score: Very Low

    Authoritarian Aggression Tendency to be alert to, condemn, reject, and to want to punish people who violate conventional values. Your Score: Very Low

    Anti-Intraception Opposition to the subjective and the imaginative, as well as a dislike of abstract art and tender-minded people. Your Score: Low

    Superstition-Stereotypy Superstitious beliefs about the determinants of the individual's fate and the disposition to think in rigid categories. Your Score: Very Low

    Power-Toughness Preoccupation with dominance-submission and leader-follower dynamics, as well as identification with power figures and the tendency to want to assert strength and toughness. Your Score: Very Low

    Destructiveness-Cynicism Generalized hostility to things not in line with one's personal values, and the devaluation of human life and tendencies. Your Score: Very Low

    Projectivity Disposition to suspect that wild and dangerous things go behind closed doors, that one's group is losing control and that traditional society is headed towards destruction. Your Score: Average

    Anti-Degeneracy Concern with the sexual "goings-on" of others and resistance to sexual degeneracy within one’s group. Your Score: Low

    Total Score Your total F score, meaning your receptivity to authoritarian/fascist beliefs. For another approach to testing for fascist beliefs, see our Fascism Test. Your Score: Very Low

  12. 爱狗却养猫 饭丝
  13. 荧惑人   某人临时小号

    您是 34%法西斯,这显示您是 非法西斯主义者。