

狼狼醬 耶渣
狼狼醬  ·  2021年5月4日 私信可以,但我保留你亂罵的時候公開私信的權利。不算好的基督徒,深信左右都是膠的港獨。


第一個問題:應不應該譯成英文,推比國際; 第二個問題:譯完該放哪……

  1. 狼狼醬 耶渣
    狼狼醬   私信可以,但我保留你亂罵的時候公開私信的權利。不算好的基督徒,深信左右都是膠的港獨。




    寫呢篇文章,係想幫 在囚手足的親友總結一下,可以搵邊d團體、邊d機構協助;同時作出感謝,感謝這些團體。




    知道兒子被捕消息,凌晨時分,聯絡 民間人權陣線 聯絡 612人道支援基金 ,那串沒想過自己有一天會撥打的號碼。很快得到義務律師的協助,陪同深夜把兒子保釋出來。



    母親很感恩,這個過程,她不是一個人背負,兒子還押期間, 母親從 石牆花 領取還押人士僅有的數種特定零食,兒子以前在牆外,對這些嘉頓餅是不屑一顧的,在墻內,就是如獲至寶。

    母親很感動,兒子判決後,母親查詢兒子想看哪些書,由 燕子生命 代為收集,兒子有幸可以每月得到六本精神食糧。

    母親很感謝,賢學思政 的tg bot很好用,賢學思政有個很貼心的「福利圖」活動,兒子在壁屋還押的時候,母親有幫兒子申請「福利圖」。


    母親在此感激 善導會 的社工,他們是懲教署的「官方合作夥伴」,因為懲教Facebook也會post一些善導會的資訊。很多母親的「煩膠」問題,是善導會社工耐心答復。(當然,社工會開case)。母親很感恩,她的「煩膠」問題,都得到善導會社工的解答。

    母親很感恩,她得到 TAMA TAXI 的伴我同行計劃幫助,可以直達監倉,每月的物資時間,母親手上拿著一大包物資,坐上車,見到黃師傅的車內佈置,「手足撐住」、「香港人加油」。母親知道自己不是一個人。















    母親觀看電影 同囚 ,差點心臟病發。母親看書籍 #奴教 ,把枕頭都哭濕了。母親看 邵家臻 的《坐監記 》,哭著,這本書入唔到給兒子,無法以此書鼓勵他。她代兒子閱讀,藉此感受兒子在牆內的心情。


  2. 看客  
    1. 單是翻譯畀洋人看恐怕不會有什麼效果,你還得附加一些他們隨手就能做的事情才行。要不然就可能會像盧旺達飯店裡的那句台詞說的那樣:「they'll say 'oh my goodness, that's horrible', and then go on eating their dinners」(他們(看完後)無非就嚎一聲老天,嚷一句太糟糕,然後埋頭繼續啃他們的晚飯)。

    2. 正因為如此,可以將翻譯成果發畀一些負責國際宣傳的香港組織,他們應該有渠道讓這些故事盡其用,例如用來為他們的募捐項目作宣傳之類。


  3. 爱狗却养猫 饭丝



  4. 凉子  

    看起来比较过分的是吃鞋油 其他更多是母亲忐忑的感受 不知这些手段是港警早有还是大陆施教 但程度比之新疆所传 尚算克制 能有议员列在诸如此类的论据 已是极限

  5. 狼狼醬 耶渣
    狼狼醬   私信可以,但我保留你亂罵的時候公開私信的權利。不算好的基督徒,深信左右都是膠的港獨。
  6. 狼狼醬 耶渣
    狼狼醬   私信可以,但我保留你亂罵的時候公開私信的權利。不算好的基督徒,深信左右都是膠的港獨。

    @凉子 #137952 據我所知,至今這些禽獸已經不只一次捱斬也不知道收歛。

  7. 爱狗却养猫 饭丝
  8. 邹韬奋 外逃贪官CA
    邹韬奋   虽然韬光养晦,亦当奋起而争(拜登永不为奴:h.2047.one)

    @爱狗却养猫 #137957 新疆管得那么严的地方都有新疆受害者资料库,为何信息流动如此发达的香港却没有?

  9. 凉子  

    @Wolfychan #137955 在专政铁拳下政治犯的遭遇我想社会是有预期上的共识的。除非证据确凿且令人发指。单文中来看,亲人们抱团,保持和子女、善导会联系和关注,不谈政治,单要求囚犯人道待遇,可能还有效些。个人浅见。

  10. 狼狼醬 耶渣
    狼狼醬   私信可以,但我保留你亂罵的時候公開私信的權利。不算好的基督徒,深信左右都是膠的港獨。

    @消极 #137958 我也不知道為甚麼他們從來都不搞這個東西。令人困擾。

  11. 邹韬奋 外逃贪官CA
    邹韬奋   虽然韬光养晦,亦当奋起而争(拜登永不为奴:h.2047.one)

    @Wolfychan #137960 不过我记得19年的时候看过一个香港非正常死亡地图之类的,也可以看成是某种“受害者资料库”,但是很多死者并不是被迫害死的。

  12. 狼狼醬 耶渣
    狼狼醬   私信可以,但我保留你亂罵的時候公開私信的權利。不算好的基督徒,深信左右都是膠的港獨。
  13. Truth  
  14. 狼狼醬 耶渣
    狼狼醬   私信可以,但我保留你亂罵的時候公開私信的權利。不算好的基督徒,深信左右都是膠的港獨。
  15. 邹韬奋 外逃贪官CA
    邹韬奋   虽然韬光养晦,亦当奋起而争(拜登永不为奴:h.2047.one)
  16. 狼狼醬 耶渣
    狼狼醬   私信可以,但我保留你亂罵的時候公開私信的權利。不算好的基督徒,深信左右都是膠的港獨。

    @消极 #137965 是的。香港幾乎自古對小孩特變態。尤其是香港的監獄制度。

  17. 邹韬奋 外逃贪官CA
    邹韬奋   虽然韬光养晦,亦当奋起而争(拜登永不为奴:h.2047.one)

    @Wolfychan #137966 1842年开埠就是一个coaling station的地方,你指望人道主义?水手们不讲这个。

  18. 奭麦郎 岿然宽衣
    奭麦郎   满辗鲜衣八岿合艰萨逆疯金颐提酵甚瞻冰坡秩歼殊淆冯

    @Wolfychan #137966 之前偶然看过陶杰对小孩教育的评价,他说“不要像内地家长”一样惯成小皇帝,接下来却主张“虎爸虎妈”式教育。我看到这一段非常失望,因为无论是“小皇帝”还是“听话的做题家”都是东亚“全能型”威权家长教育出来的。当然我不是说陶杰就能代表全体港人,但他本身的政治立场属于亲英美自由派,理论上不应该支持东亚式的育儿方式

  19. 邹韬奋 外逃贪官CA
    邹韬奋   虽然韬光养晦,亦当奋起而争(拜登永不为奴:h.2047.one)

    @奭麦郎 #137980 虎妈要虎对方向才行,这个要求很高,大部分人没有虎妈的素质,虎错了方向。

  20. 狼狼醬 耶渣
    狼狼醬   私信可以,但我保留你亂罵的時候公開私信的權利。不算好的基督徒,深信左右都是膠的港獨。
  21. 邹韬奋 外逃贪官CA
    邹韬奋   虽然韬光养晦,亦当奋起而争(拜登永不为奴:h.2047.one)

    @Wolfychan #137996 不知道你们香港人怎样,反正我们中国文人的节操不如妓女,所谓八倡九儒十丐,什么柳如是投水而钱谦益嫌水冷。

  22. 狼狼醬 耶渣
    狼狼醬   私信可以,但我保留你亂罵的時候公開私信的權利。不算好的基督徒,深信左右都是膠的港獨。
  23. 邹韬奋 外逃贪官CA
    邹韬奋   虽然韬光养晦,亦当奋起而争(拜登永不为奴:h.2047.one)

    @Wolfychan #138007 气节这玩意罕见的很,还不如指望瓦德西开科取士呢。

  24. 狼狼醬 耶渣
    狼狼醬   私信可以,但我保留你亂罵的時候公開私信的權利。不算好的基督徒,深信左右都是膠的港獨。

    DeepL 翻譯,求潤飾

    Written before Mother's Day, an event about a parent of a imprisoned youth protester.

    This article is a true story and every word and punctuation is created by me, without any imitation.

    I am writing this article because I want to help the parents and friends of inmates to summarise the situation, so that they can seek help from other groups and organisations.

    I am someone's mother and my son is called "someone".

    In the visitation room, through the white glass, my son said, "Mum, this time you will receive a Mother's Day card with your letter. Yes, Mother's Day is coming up. My son is not a good painter and he rarely paints spontaneously. The mother's eyes were moistened. She was touched, but she held back her tears because she did not want her son to see his mother in tears.

    From the beginning of the anti-extradition movement, from the arrest of her son, from the release of her son on bail ...... to the present moment, there have been many different groups, organisations and people who have helped her, but whenever the night is quiet and she misses her son, she is always alone in tears.

    When she found out about her son's arrest, she contacted the Civil Human Rights Front in the early hours of the morning and contacted the 612 Humanitarian Support Fund, a number she never thought she would call one day. He was soon assisted by a volunteer lawyer who accompanied him late into the night and released him on bail.

    From the beginning, the volunteer lawyer discussed the possibility of a fight on one side and simulated questions for the prosecution on the other. Gradually, the social situation took a turn for the worse and more and more cases of this kind were found guilty.

    The volunteer solicitor began to ask the mother and son if they would plead guilty, and the mother and son decided to plead guilty and pro-government Judge found them guilty.

    Mother was grateful that she was not alone in this process. During her son's remand, she collected from Wallfare the only specific snacks available to remand prisoners.

    The mother was so moved that after her son's sentencing, she asked her son which books he wanted to read and Swallow Life collected them for him, so he was fortunate enough to receive six books a month.

    The mother was very thankful that the tg bot was very useful and had a very thoughtful "welfare map" campaign.

    The mother was very confused and had a lot of "troublesome" questions in her mind, such as whether the monthly material should be calculated on the first day of each month or from the day of admission to the prison, and when she called the Correctional Services, the Correctional Services did not answer directly but asked "What is the prisoner's number and name? Instead of answering directly, the CSD asked "What is the prisoner's number and name? When the mother answered, the CSD did not answer either, but referred her to the welfare officer. After this, the mother did not dare to call again because she was afraid that the Correctional Officer and the Welfare Officer would find it very annoying. When the Correctional Officer gets annoyed and even remembers the name of the son in trouble, it is only the son inside the wall who suffers.

    Mothers are grateful to the social workers of the Society of Rehabilitation and Crime Prevention (SRP), which is an "official partner" of the CSD, as the CSD Facebook page also posts information from SRP. Many of the mothers' "troublesome" questions were patiently answered by the social workers of SRACP. (Of course, the social worker will open a case). The mother was very grateful that her "troublesome" questions were answered by the SRACP social worker.

    My mother was grateful that she had received help from TAMA TAXI's Walk with Me programme, which allowed her to go straight to the warehouse, and during the monthly supply time, she got into the car with a big bag of supplies in her hand, and saw the interior of Master Wong's car decorated with the words "Hang in there" and "Go Hong Kong people". Mother knew she was not alone.

    Outside the wall, the mother tries to buy specific pants, goes to uniqlo to buy men's white boxer briefs and gives them to her son, who says he tries to wash them in the shower and then hangs them out on the side of the bed, where he is warned and verbally abused by the correctional officer. The son told his mother that she didn't need to get them in again because he preferred to wear the public panties (they were washed uniformly and given out randomly). The mother was in tears as she felt that she had caused her son to be verbally abused.

    Outside the wall, the mother tried to send in a meme picture (a very trendy mother) on a topic that her son was usually interested in, but not only did he not receive it, he was also verbally abused. The mother was in tears as she felt that she had caused her son to be verbally abused.

    During the visit, the son told the mother that he had to pinch the orange peel with his short fingernails (inside the wall, as a rule, she had to cut her fingernails every day) and that if the peel broke, he had to take the initiative and ask the Correctional Services to eat the peel. When she heard this, she was in tears and smiled: "Our conversations are monitored. Besides, it's good to eat orange peels! Mum eats the peel every time, it's healthy!

    It's not good at all to eat orange peel. Mum won't eat orange peel, but not only can she not change the disciplinary practices, she doesn't dare to answer during visits, "That's too much! You can't even eat oranges! Let me help you complain! Let me help you complain!" because that would only result in a severe beating of the son inside the wall.

    The son told his mother. He told his mother that if he didn't put enough polish on her shoes every night, he had to eat the polish. This time the mother's tears flowed and she couldn't say, "Shoe polish is good! Mum also eats shoe polish every day".

    The next time she came to visit, the mother knew that her son had been beaten because he had told the truth about eating orange peel and shoe polish.

    When she visited her son afterwards, he sat upright and straight, and all of his conversations were official.

    "I'm fine here, I have many, many letters of recommendation from Sir, so I can do whatever I want".

    "Did you sleep well, son?

    "Very well! There is a fan in the hallway. When summer comes, Sir will have a mosquito scent in the corridor and light it up.

    "Eating well! I've eaten a lot!

    "There's a pastime! I can borrow books from the library here too!

    My mother knew that her son had always been a gifted student and was exceptionally good at reciting, and she felt that his answers seemed to have lost their soul through recitation.

    Yes! Inside the walls (in Sha Tsui), no one had a radio, no newspapers, no letters from the factory to relieve boredom, not to mention the high intensity gymnastics, the daily beatings and verbal abuse, and the loss of human dignity.

    My mother almost had a heart attack when she watched the movie "The Prisoner". My mother cried on her pillow when she read the book #SlaveTeaching. My mother cried as she read Shao Jiazhen's book "The Prisoner's Journal", saying that she could not give it to her son and could not encourage him with this book. She read it on her son's behalf, so that she could feel what he was feeling inside the walls.

    A mother of an ordinary, unnamed sibling writes this book with gratitude and thanks to all those who have given their time in Hong Kong, including the audiographer, the letter writer, the bus driver and the heater, and to all those who have had dreams.

    Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

  25. 趙少康   中廣集團董事長
  26. 狼狼醬 耶渣
    狼狼醬   私信可以,但我保留你亂罵的時候公開私信的權利。不算好的基督徒,深信左右都是膠的港獨。

    @丁丁兄弟 #138386 他文筆優秀眾人皆知,但他的立場彈出彈入,甚麼立場也能寫,是故被我中學時的補習老師稱為文妓 ;)


  27. 趙少康   中廣集團董事長

    @Wolfychan #138392 你的文筆同樣優秀,除了詩意濃厚之外還能令人垂涎生津本站多詩人和原創小說家。但美食作家僅你一位。

  28. 狼狼醬 耶渣
    狼狼醬   私信可以,但我保留你亂罵的時候公開私信的權利。不算好的基督徒,深信左右都是膠的港獨。


  29. 邹韬奋 外逃贪官CA
    邹韬奋   虽然韬光养晦,亦当奋起而争(拜登永不为奴:h.2047.one)

    @Wolfychan #171386 这就是编程随想的远见了,先匿上名然后才有自由。

  30. 3woi4um  



  31. 狼狼醬 耶渣
    狼狼醬   私信可以,但我保留你亂罵的時候公開私信的權利。不算好的基督徒,深信左右都是膠的港獨。

    @3woi4um #174598 確實,這文我之前為保護當時人刪過一次。

  32. 3woi4um  
  33. 一只袋鼠   左派反贼,支持绿色政治,支持民主社会主义,半个民粹主义者


  34. 狼狼醬 耶渣
    狼狼醬   私信可以,但我保留你亂罵的時候公開私信的權利。不算好的基督徒,深信左右都是膠的港獨。

    @品蒜人 #174658 因為當時引起的迴響太大,為保障當事人安全,該團體刪文了。

  35. 守法刁民  


  36. 邹韬奋 外逃贪官CA
    邹韬奋   虽然韬光养晦,亦当奋起而争(拜登永不为奴:h.2047.one)

    @守法刁民 #174817 是这样的,香港人均GDP是支那5倍,如果监狱水平差是很痛苦的。


  37. 狼狼醬 耶渣
    狼狼醬   私信可以,但我保留你亂罵的時候公開私信的權利。不算好的基督徒,深信左右都是膠的港獨。

    @守法刁民 #174817

    如果納粹集中營是Lv100的話, 以大人而言,香港是Lv 10以下。
