

Sith 独裁者
Sith  ·  2022年5月29日 本人在论坛里面只有一个ID





1.“Read @SecBlinken's latest speech on China. He said the US is "not looking for conflict or a new Cold War". Yet the speech sounded more like a declaration of all-out strategic competition or war against China. ”


2. “Sec. Blinken said the US will defend the international law...maintain peace and security. But wait! Isn't it true that more than 80% of post-WWII armed conflicts were initiated by the US?”

评论:华春莹这里对美国的“will defend peace and security”做了反驳, 但说出来的原因却是二战以后美国发动的大量战争。如果我们把时间调到人类文明开始以后,中国的内战和对外入侵的次数是远远超过美国的,当然中国在历史上的战争的口号也不外乎是“维护国家稳定”、“消灭反贼”或者“扶清灭洋”了。

“Plus these wars -- many fought illegally -- have left hundreds of thousands dead and tens of millions displaced and in acute hunger in Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan...Actually there were only 16 years when the US was not at war.”





4.“ Sec. Blinken said the US will protect the rights of individuals and sovereign nations. But the US had, in the last decade alone, invaded and managed regime change in over 20 countries.

评论:再一次把“保护个人财产和主权”和“入侵和颠覆20多个国家”进行对比,好像美国无缘无故就开战。其实美国攻打的国家,很多都是独裁国家,那些统治者不会在乎人民的”rights of individual”的,独裁者只关心自己;还有的就是对美国形成了国家威胁的地区,那个是国家安全,肯定要处理的。

“Gun violence killed about 45,000 American people every year and most recently 21 in #RobbElementaryschool. If the gov fails to protect its own people, how can it protect the people in other countries?”


5.“Sec. Blinken said the US doesn't seek to block China from its role as a major power. If that's the case, then why has the US been strengthening the Five Eyes, peddling #QUAD, putting together #AUKUS and enhancing bilateral military alliances in China's neighborhood?”

评论:很明显华春莹露馅了,她认为quad的崛起是在危害中国的霸权(注意她也引用了major power这个词),问题是不论quad,还是aukus的组成国家,中国在以前建交的时候都和它们说过和平共处,“双赢”的,怎么到这里,就突然变成你死我活的关系了?还是说中国表面上要大家和平相处,内心里早已经把你看作坏蛋了?既然这样,以后还有哪个国家敢和你建交呢?

“Why the US never stops interfering in China's internal affairs and supporting separatists in Xinjiang, Tibet and Taiwan?”


5.“Blinken said the US doesn't seek to block China...from growing its economy or advancing the interests of its people. If so, why hasn't the US removed the tariffs? Why spare no efforts to suppress Chinese high-tech firms?”

评论:“如果不remove tarrifs,你就等于阻碍我发展。若干你不100%顺我心意,如果你不同意我爱怎么样就怎么样,你就是想害我” 实际上美国在历史上自己觉得经济利益受到损害时,都对别国加过关税,更何况中国这种把自己国家的崛起建立在损害美国利益上的国家了。别的国家也是表达抗议,然后再协商的,没有说什么“你是打压我崛起”这种鬼话的。

“Why spare no efforts to suppress Chinese high-tech firms?”,这句也是,美国不和你做生意了,就是打压你?如果你认为不公平,应该自己发展科技,如果你表达上面的观点,就已经让别人看不起你了。

“Why so busy trying to replace China in global supply chains? Why spread lies such as "security threat" and "forced labor" to deprive Chinese people/companies of the right to develop?”


6. “Blinken said all countries will be free to chart their own paths without coercion. But think about the Monroe Doctrine and how it's still alive and well in US foreign policy, e.g. toward Latin American and South Pacific Island countries.”

评论:和前面几条观点类似,其实都是“你有不干净的地方,凭什么说我”。我猜中国预防Monroe Doctrine的最好方法,是闭关锁国吧?当然中国不愿意这么做的,说是“拒绝脱钩,不然我就说你打压我的崛起”。


“What about forcing countries to take side "either with us or against us"? And freezing or even taking over the assets of other countries and private property? Isn't US the biggest inventor & defender of coercive diplomacy?”

评论:又开始说“what about”了,很多时候华春莹只是喊口号,却不解释或说明原因,标准的中国政府的政治宣传。美国已经说过很多次“不会让其他国家选边站了”。至于taking over assets之类的,她应该指的是俄国把财产放在美国那里,哪怕俄国搞出连联合国都谴责的事情,美国也不应该制裁?

7.“Sec. Blinken said China has cost American workers millions of jobs and harmed the workers and firms. Scapegoating again.The truth is that the tariff war imposed on China by the US costs American companies 1.7 trillion US dollars, 240,000 jobs in the US...”


“...and every American household 1,300 US dollars each year! Btw, will he also blame China for the US government's failure to control guns which caused massive deaths?”

评论:“will he also blame China for…”这里华春莹终于装不下去了。大家可以看到,如果你和中国政府谈判,中国政府只会在心里笑你傻瓜。习近平政府是什么玩意大家都知道。

8.“ About human rights. Sec. Blinken didn't mention #RobbElementaryschool shooting. Isn't it true that the selfishness, indifference, arrogance and inability of the US politicians should be responsible for those terrible tragedies?”

评论:同样的俗套剧情,只会“what about”,然后转移话题,然后“你也不干净,又不是上帝,凭什么说我?”

“If the gov can't protect their own people's lives, how can they moralize about and protect human rights in other countries?”

评论:同样的俗套剧情,只会“what about”,然后转移话题,然后“你也不干净,又不是上帝,凭什么说我?”

9.“Blinken said the US one China policy is different from China. Be clear:There is only one correct version of "one China",i.e. there is only one China in the world, Taiwan is part of China&the government of the People's Republic of China is the sole legal government of China. This was recognized by the US government in the joint communiqué on establishment of diplomatic ties signed in 1979 and by all US governments ever since and is the political precondition for diplomatic relations between China and 181 countries, including the US.


10.“Sec. Blinken apparently doesn't like the Chinese gov and has been trying carefully to separate the CPC from the Chinese people. But the truth is the Chinese gov and the CPC enjoy 95+% satisfaction and approval rating among its 1.4 billion people.”


“Thanks to the leadership of the CPC,the Chinese people are enjoying unprecedented security and happiness and the Chinese children don't have to live in fear of shooting in school & the ethnic minorities don't have to worry they could not breathe like #GeorgeFloyd .”

评论:以前国民党最喜欢说的就是“国家安全”和“人民幸福”了,偏偏当时中国共产党说他们没有民主,没权利代表人民。你现在中国共产党当了皇帝,又再一次重复“国家安全”和“人民幸福”这种话了。后面的“george floyd”话题仍然是重复“what about”了。

11.“ Sec. Blinken said the US will engage constructively with China and the two great nations can coexist peacefully. Well, we have heard those words before and are always ready to work towards win-win cooperation.”

评论:骂完了,回归现实。要注意的是美国的冷战方式其实是在和中国政府沟通以后定下的,要不然不会“we have heard those words before”,“ are always ready”表明中国政府已经接受了美国的冷战方案,后面的“win win”表明中国政府同意进行这种冷战,但是它的目标仍然是维护自己的独裁。

  1. Sith 独裁者
    Sith   本人在论坛里面只有一个ID



  2. 邹韬奋 外逃贪官CA
    邹韬奋   虽然韬光养晦,亦当奋起而争(拜登永不为奴:h.2047.one)
  3. 夸父逐日   追逐太阳之人
  4. 夸父逐日   追逐太阳之人
  5. TonySmith  
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  6. 邹韬奋 外逃贪官CA
    邹韬奋   虽然韬光养晦,亦当奋起而争(拜登永不为奴:h.2047.one)
  7. 三天不打上房揭瓦  

    @中华龙鸟 #189591 一切顶贴的行为都要支持,一切吹牛的言论都要点赞,这是两个凡是。

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