

foolish QUIT
foolish  ·  2020年9月30日 HKFOOL
  1. foolish QUIT
    foolish   HKFOOL
  2. foolish QUIT
    foolish   HKFOOL

    辩论开始了,天啊, Biden 看起来状态不错。 Trump 加油。

    Trump 果然立即把 Biden 带入 Open discussion 状态。

    Biden 说出现场名言: 我不是来说你是个骗子, liar, 所有人知道你是个 liar

    主持: Biden 副总统, 如果共和党参议员支持 大法官 Barrett, 你如何... 两位候选人继续插嘴... 下一个题目是病毒, COVID-19

    Biden: ... 20% death, ... 总统没有任何计划, 他知道这个是致命的, 他混乱了 panic 。 ... 他什么都没做, 没有计划。 而我有, 你应该离开你的地堡, (哈哈 Biden 让 Trump 离开地堡)

    Trump: ... 你做不到我做的。 Biden: 我做的到, ... 你不听专家意见。...

    转入疫苗问题。 Biden 继续进攻 Trump 不信任专家的弱点。 Biden 今天状态很好。

    主持人: RE-Opening 的问题。

    Trump: 他想要 Shutdown 国家, 我想要 Reopen, ... Biden 插嘴(nono) ... Trump 说了他今晚的名言: Joe 等一下,先让我把你 shutdown 一会儿。

    主持人: 口罩问题, ... 总统你搞大集会, Trump 提醒说:户外... Trump: 我们有大量的选民, Biden 没有。... 真是一场火力全开的辩论, 几乎是吵架的情况。

    Trump 第一次提及中国, 「中国病毒」,** 这时 biden 非常安静**。

    Biden: 我的两分钟(川普的两分钟你都抢了,你的两分钟也不要太自私)... 你是历史上第一个总统减少了就业, 你离开白宫的时候就业人数减少了, 你是第一个这样的总统。

    (Biiden 的思维开始混乱了, 明显)

    进入Trump 交税的问题, 川普清楚的说他交了几百万。 Trump 这时候开始和主持人辩论, 我的天, Trump 开始和两个人辩论。 主持人: 税收问题.

    辩论在继续, 下面还有一些现场记录。

  3. Misaki KBBL
    Misaki   习帝,习帝,我要Diss你!

    @foolish #100947

    Trump 第一次提及中国, 「中国病毒」,这时 biden 非常安静


  4. 爱狗却养猫 饭丝


  5. foolish QUIT
    foolish   HKFOOL

    辩论继续, 三个人同时说话, 几乎听不清, 但是我听到一句, Biden 说 My son did nothing wrong, 我的儿子什么都没做错。

    主持人: ... 这不是你的家庭做什么, 这是美国人的事情。 这不是你家里的事,... 三个人继续同时说话, ...

    主持人开始重新说明辩论纪律。 并且说明 Trump 更爱插嘴, Trump 反对, ... 主持人让 Biden 你继续。...

    Trump: ... 你甚至不敢说: Law & Order。

    Biden: 我们大多数警察是好的, 但是有坏苹果。 ... -- Biden 真的不想要警察的选票了。 两人立即进入种族和社会安全。 Trump 反复要Biden 说: Law&Order。 Biden 反复的说但是但是... Antifa 的问题混着过去了, ...

    主持勉强把下一个议题推出来, 请两个说明一下自己以往政绩, 然后是环境问题, 这是一个 Trump 容易被攻击的问题, Biden 的眼睛亮了起来... 果然 Biden 有一篇抒情诗关于这个问题, 但是他开始忘词了, 排比句里最后一个词是什么? ...This guy is who said what??? ... 我们美国是制造了15%环境污染的国家...

    Trump: 那么你47年的政治生活中做了什么?

    哈哈, 太搞笑了, 哈哈, Biden 进入抒情模式, 不知道这是不是药力的最后阶段。

    每人两分钟, 不许打断。 川普进入投票方式的问题。 主持人再问两人今年投票结果出来会不会接受, Biden 表示接受, 川普: 我要说...我要说... 主持人:这就是最后一个问题。 退场。

    辩论结束。 川普在最后时间丢一分, 今天 Biden 气势不输。

  6. 邹韬奋 外逃贪官CA
    邹韬奋   虽然韬光养晦,亦当奋起而争(拜登永不为奴:h.2047.one)


  7. foolish QUIT
    foolish   HKFOOL

    @消极 #100957 我感觉 Trump 没有老年痴呆, 他在现场推动 Biden, 他搅乱了 Biden 的时序。

  8. 邹韬奋 外逃贪官CA
    邹韬奋   虽然韬光养晦,亦当奋起而争(拜登永不为奴:h.2047.one)
  9. foolish QUIT
    foolish   HKFOOL

    @消极 #100968 感觉 Biden 形象很好, 双方还是平手。 另外这一次辩论应该很快就有中文翻译, 到时候再贴出来。

  10. 陈士杰   打倒共产党!打倒习近平!


  11. 陈士杰   打倒共产党!打倒习近平!


  12. foolish QUIT
    foolish   HKFOOL

    中文翻译没有找到, 常常是三个人一起说话混战一场,估计翻译文本也不好做。 但是有不少现场同声翻译的, 也有不少即时评论的, 用 GOOGLE 搜索就可以有一堆视频: 总统辩论 中文翻译

    这是一次精彩的辩论会, 三个老男人年龄加起来有223岁, 说好的正式辩论结果一个个吵成了三国演义, 主持人多次被拖入争吵。 同时也是美国政治的强大之处, 总统候选人在许多议题上都没有空间保持距离, 必须直接上阵亲自落场, 从而选民对自己的候选人非常了解, 国家政治也因此被民众监督, 减少了机会出现独裁或者巨大政治错误

  13. foolish QUIT
    foolish   HKFOOL

    主持人事后被批评, Wallace 无法控场, 并且不少人指出 Wallace 本来就是川黑。 有分析说 Trump 的策略就是横推, 不顾及中间选民的感受自己只管主动进攻, 以直接了当的方式来处理 Biden。 人们感觉辩论显示一个:真小人 VS 伪君子。 好像是 Trump 一打二, 这种情况下,只要美国的国内国外局势继续紧张就会有一部分中间立场的人最后决定投川普, 因为不论如何 Trump 战斗力更强。

    卫报文章: 主持人被批评,辩论时 Biden 被 Trump 淹了, 但是文章内也指出 Biden 也不时插断 Trump。 https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/sep/29/chris-wallace-debate-biden-trump-moderator

    Moderator Chris Wallace criticized as Biden drowned out by Trump in debate

    Fox News host blamed for failing to control debate stage as president spends evening talking over others

    The Fox News host Chris Wallace faced much criticism as he struggled to referee the first presidential debate between Donald Trump and Joe Biden on Tuesday night.

    For most of the event, Trump talked over Biden and Wallace failed to keep the president patient for his chance to talk. At a few other moments, the Democratic challenger’s scowls and snickering at the president interrupted Trump’s comments.

  14. foolish QUIT
    foolish   HKFOOL
  15. foolish QUIT
    foolish   HKFOOL

    辩论之后, Fox News 上有一篇文章整理了好些记者、媒体人对这一场辩论的意见, 不少人认为拜登甚至不需要参加下一场辩论。 大致上意思是说川普无礼、不守规则。 这些记者多数都是川普口里的 Fake News 的记者和媒体人。 参考一下 Clinton Hillary 在2016年 wikileak 上被放出来的操作手法, 这些手法中国人应该更清楚, 策略就是讲:拜登不应该和粗鲁的川普站一起。 极左真是常常学中共五毛的战术。 -- 对政治人物的第一要求不应该是对国民说实话吗? 什么时候变成了得体、保护距离、戴口罩、减少碳排放、全球化双赢、多边主义... 为什么不要求美国总统学习:礼乐诗书易春秋?

    美国的所谓新闻已经成为一个行业, 这个行业仍然尊重新闻自由,但是被行业老板们商业化的管理成为一个商业帝国了。 目前只有个人媒体可以使用社群软体和这个新闻帝国对抗,而且个人媒体也是几乎被微信、QQ和 Tiktok 渗透了。

    Fox News 的文章在这里:

    Media call for upcoming debates to be 'canceled,' urge Biden to back out after first brawl with Trump https://www.foxnews.com/media/cancel-debates-trump-biden

    'There is no reason, not one, that Joe Biden should participate in another debate,' MSNBC host Joe Scarborough declared

    By Joseph A. Wulfsohn | Fox News

    Dana Perino: 'Biden cleared the very low bar that had been set'

    Fox News All-Star panel analyzes the first presidential debate between President Trump, former VP Joe Biden.

    A tidal wave from the mainstream media is speculating whether the two remaining debates between President Trump and Joe Biden should even be held after their brutal first showdown Tuesday night in Cleveland.

    There appears to be a wide consensus about the messy and ugly nature of the first debate -- which was filled with interruptions and insults. Two more debated are scheduled for Oct. 15 and Oct. 22, with a vice presidential debate set for Oct. 7.

    During MSNBC's post-debate coverage, "ReidOut" host Joy Reid questioned her colleague Nicolle Wallace, who has worked on presidential campaigns in the past, if Biden should bother showing up to the next debate.


    “If you were Joe Biden’s team, would you do another one?” Reid asked.

    Wallace quickly answered that Biden needs to fulfill his commitment.

    “Joe Biden has to go because you don’t stand up to a bully, who is trying to do whatever he’s doing, lift his leg and pee on our democracy, by not showing up and standing up to the bully,” Wallace said. “You stand there because you made a deal and you hold up your end of the deal.”

    CNN anchor Wolf Blitzer kicked off the network's post-debate coverage by pondering about the future of the Trump-Biden face-offs.

    "It will certainly raise a lot of questions ... about the future of presidential debate between these two candidates. I wouldn't be surprised, by the way, if this is the last presidential debate between the president of the United States and the former vice president of the United States," Blitzer said. Juan Williams: Debate was 'disappointing' and lacked 'quality'Video

    Several other CNN personalities flirted with the idea of scrapping the scheduled debates.

    "Should there be other debates?" CNN anchor Anderson Cooper asked. "The vice-presidential debate is next and there's supposed to be two more debates."


    "I have to say I don't think the country is going to be yearning for another one of these," CNN analyst David Axelrod responded. "I think Biden has a decision to make."

    The liberal magazine The Atlantic ran an op-ed with the headline "Cancel the debates."

    "Tonight was the first presidential debate of the 2020 election, and if there is any sense or mercy left in this nation, it will be the last, too," Atlantic staff writer David Graham wrote.

    Slate ran a similar piece with the headline "Cancel the Rest of the Debates."

    Others took to Twitter to express such a sentiment.


    "This is a disgrace, a low point in American debate history. There is no reason, not one, that Joe Biden should participate in another debate," MSNBC host Joe Scarborough tweeted.

    "No more debates. No more debates," journalist Jose Antonio Vargas repeated.

    "Cancel the remaining debates," former MSNBC host Melissa Harris-Perry said. "The debates are now a danger to public safety and a direct threat to Black life. Cancel the debates."

    "Cancel the rest of the presidential debates. No need to continue legitimizing Nazism, white supremacy, violence and lies," Huffington Post senior reporter Emma Gray said.

  16. 天下无贼  

    @foolish #101100







  17. 邹韬奋 外逃贪官CA
    邹韬奋   虽然韬光养晦,亦当奋起而争(拜登永不为奴:h.2047.one)