
[分享] Dynamical system model predicts when social learners impair collective performance

Neko 守序善良
Neko  ·  2021年9月13日 人类社会永远在变化。


Abstract A key question concerning collective decisions is whether a social system can settle on the best available option when some members learn from others instead of evaluating the options on their own. This question is challenging to study, and previous research has reached mixed conclusions, because collective decision outcomes depend on the insufficiently understood complex system of cognitive strategies, task properties, and social influence processes. This study integrates these complex interactions together in one general yet partially analytically tractable mathematical framework using a dynamical system model. In particular, it investigates how the interplay of the proportion of social learners, the relative merit of options, and the type of conformity response affect collective decision outcomes in a binary choice. The model predicts that, when the proportion of social learners exceeds a critical threshold, a bistable state appears in which the majority can end up favoring either the higher- or lower-merit option, depending on fluctuations and initial conditions. Below this threshold, the high-merit option is chosen by the majority. The critical threshold is determined by the conformity response function and the relative merits of the two options. The study helps reconcile disagreements about the effect of social learners on collective performance and proposes a mathematical framework that can be readily adapted to extensions investigating a wider variety of dynamics.





  1. NoStepOnSnek   一个政治系统的根本特征取决于其个体成员的暴力能力

    这结果难道不是Obvious的么。从priori 推导得话就是这些人本来可以贡献的信息收集和计算能力没有贡献,导致整体能力下降。但是empirically做实验的话这基本不可能证出来(我不知道你怎么可能分辨出哪些人是群体学习者),过几天又会有结论相反的论文。

  2. Neko 守序善良
    Neko   人类社会永远在变化。

    @NoStepOnSnek #156849 不知道为什么以前没人做过...

