@thphd #8570666 Ah, forget about it, I didn't expect the mandarian expression to be so ambiguous.
I really appreciate the user interface of 2047, thanks to you. Herein, I tried to pull out application of some sort which may be benefitial, in a traffic regard. Given that a poster can modify his her posts, he or she could use certain posts as clubs, functioned similar to subs in reddit.
And that makes much sense if compared with group societies in douban or qq. It's theoretically viable that some kind of 'intiation' could invite them over, similar to that happened in pincong.rocks https://pincong.rocks/article/13688. And by the mechanism of post control, 2047 is a little more troll-proof.
Ah, whether we should deliberately do that is up to you. I was just making up some random fancies thought to be useful here.
Just, do not over extend. Considering if I was not trust-worthy at all, had these random ideas still appetible? The fate of 2047 is in your hands afterall. Wherever you lead, I'll follow.