What is meant by "pure dharma"? Why is it significant that the Maitreya will teach it?
In China, there have been some prophecies about that there will be a future saint to bring us the ultimate truth or facts (including all the laws or orders if there is any), e.g. , .
Since it is the ultimate one, you can imagine it must be so pure that there wouldn't be any mistake.
And as we all know, China is still at least bit of a communist state. As I remember there was a famous person (I don't remember who he is ) which said that when you are young if you don't believe in communism, you are a bad guy who don't have a good heart, after you've become older, if you're still believing in communism, you are a fool who don't have a sound brain.
A communist usually believe that the human being is able to grab the truth. There is a rumor or legend in china about Karl Marx that he had grind-ed out a pair of footprints on the floor of a library which he visited everyday.
At that time there was no sign of Information explosion,you could still dream of summing up a (pure) truth from all the books and with that to solve all the problems in the world.
Now things are different. Maybe people are still dreaming of a future saint but he has to find an another way. Someone ruining a small part of a floor of a library haven't brought us a perfect paradise (pure land). Could we be granted one because somebody of us is sitting under a tree for a long time?
Hope is always better than fear, let's assume it is possible.
Then why the present saints and so many ones in the history are not enough, why we still need a future one such as Maitreya? Why the pure teachings have become impure?
Should we always blame an outer demon? Is there an inner reason?
By the way, I'm not a typical Buddhist, in my view, zen may be from Buddhism (actually The Zhuangzi probably is a more important source of zen), but far beyond Buddhism.
According to Dajian Huineng, who from my view is the founder of zen,
all the teachings (including so called pure dharma) can not be the source, since they have their own source: a sudden awakening. (It is not that the pure dharma is the source of awakenings, but the opposite, the awakening is the source of all dharma no matter how pure it is.)
If you think we must follow a saint, who is the one that the first saint followed?
People always overvalue their outer owned things such as a holy book written by a saint, or their own outer behaviors such as eating some particular food, or their special experiences (no matter spiritual ones or not, no matter how unique, in my view, they are still the outer instead of the real inner) .
But can we control a TV set by analyzing the images (dramas) on the screen? If not, does that mean all the successes of our logic and the science based on that are a practical joke of "the TV" (it could be Tao or god or Buddha or some other things e.g. merely coincidence such as a randomly typing monkey)?
Thus, a good zen master has nothing to teach you, since all you need to do is just unbinding yourself from all those clinging. Not only unbinding from the clinging to the images or phenomena, but also unbinding from the clinging to all kinds of imaginations and concepts which are related to "the mirror/TV set/the author", including all the teachings no matter how pure they are.
They are the blindfolds which are hiding the ultimate truth including the true nature of ourselves. The salvation is never from outer things such as a future saint and his holy book which would be supposed to give us 100% correct (pure) knowledge. The real salvation is within yourself, since the pure ultimate truth or facts and the true nature of you( the real you) are the same thing. You have never divided from it, you can never be an independent one, you (your body and thoughts and experiences etc ) are always depending on it, because you and it are the same thing.
What it really is, who you really are, how should we call them, (usually I call them "the unknown") would be some everlasting questions and eternal hidden secret. A sudden awakening wouldn't bring you more knowledge but mere a realization that all the outer are a kind of dream, the only real thing is yourself, thus you suddenly wake from the dream. If all you get is a kind of different dream, and you mistake the new dream as the reality and call yourself a saint who has more knowledge, more pure facts or truths than others, you've tricked by the demon. But I'm not talking about an outer demon. The clinging (or the energy in that grip) and the things cling-ed (or grabbed) by you are not the same thing. You should release the grip instead of escaping from the things grabbed by you or cutting off your hands. (Don't mistake the escaping as a final detachment or an ultimate liberation.) Who is there grabbing? not your hand, neither an outer demon.
Thus, the energy or the force is always with you, you don't need a "may", since the true nature of you is the force, you are the force.
This is the faith you can get from the sudden awakening. It is a faith because there is no proof. If you're still searching for a proof, still need a dream to be made true, still want to be a winner to prove you're the chosen. It means you don't have the true faith, and it means you've not awakened, you're still looking forward to a donkey without knowing that you are riding it. (The reason of that you need to win a haven or paradise is that you're still fearing the death. It means you've not realized that there is a birth and death to your hands and body or to your thoughts and memory, or there is a birth and death to the state of no thoughts and even no memory, but there is never a birth and death to "the force ".) Although you may understand all the logic in above words typed by me, if you don't have a faith in yourself, you are still asking me for a proof or a supporting from some saint or their "pure" words, it means that you've not actually had that sudden realization or awakening. You may need another chance. You can look for that chance in all the "pure" teachings of so many saints. Good luck!
所有的教义(包括所谓的纯净佛法)都不能成为本源,因为它们有自己的本源:突然觉醒。 (并不是纯粹的佛法是觉醒的源头,相反,无论多么纯净,觉醒都是所有佛法的源头。)
但是我们可以通过分析屏幕上的图像(戏剧)来控制电视机吗?如果不是,那是否意味着我们的逻辑和科学基础上的所有成功都是“电视”的恶作剧(所谓“电视”可能是道,神,佛陀或其他一些事物,例如偶然性,例如随机打字的猴子) ?
实际上,您是谁,我们应该如何称呼它们(通常我称它们为“未知”)将是一些永恒的问题和永恒的秘密。突然的觉醒不会带给您更多的知识,而只是意识到所有外部事物都是一种梦,唯一的真实事物是您自己,因此您突然从梦中醒来。如果您得到的只是一个不同的梦,并且您将新梦误解为现实,并称自己是比其他人拥有更多知识,更多纯真事实或真理的圣徒,那么您就被恶魔欺骗了。但是我不是在谈论外来的恶魔。紧贴(或握力的能量)与您紧紧抓住(或抓住)的东西不是一回事。您应该释放握力,而不是逃脱被您抓住的东西或割断手。 (不要把逃跑当作最后的出离或最终的解放。)谁在抓住?不是你的手,不是外来的恶魔。
这是您从突然的醒中可以得到的信念。这是一种信念,因为没有证据。如果您仍在寻找证明,仍然需要梦想成真,仍然想要成为赢家以证明您被选中。这意味着您没有真正的信仰,也就意味着您没有醒来,您仍然期待着一头驴,却不知道自己在骑驴。 (之所以需要赢得天堂或天堂,是因为您仍在担心死亡。这意味着您尚未意识到手和身体,思想和记忆存在生与死,或者没有思想,甚至没有记忆的状态都会有生与死,但是“力量”永远不会有生与死。)尽管您可能对我键入的上述词语的所有逻辑都了解,如果您对自己不抱有信心,您仍在要求我提供一些圣人或他们的“纯”字眼的证明或支持,这意味着您实际上并未突然意识到或觉醒。您可能需要另一个机会。您可以在许多圣人的所有“纯”教训中寻找机会。祝好运!
What are some mental “traps” you uncovered in your life which allowed you to move on in life?
On 12th May In 2008, I was reading a book in my office, which mentions a quotation from Laozi. "It is because that I have a body so that I have so many worries. If there was no body, what could worry me?" I suddenly realized that " Why we think there must be a body? It could be just some images on a mirror (or on a TV screen, stage, platform) including the office and the whole world." So the body is the trap.
2008年5月12日,我在办公室看书,其中提到老子的名言。 “因为我有身体,所以我担心太多。如果没有身体,我会担心什么?” 我突然意识到,“为什么我们认为必须有一个身体?它可能只是镜子(或电视屏幕,舞台,平台)上的一些图像,包括办公室和整个世界。” 所以身体就是陷阱。
What does the dark side of the yin yang mean?
Maybe we all know that yin and yang are two sides of one thing. But it is not like a coin. There is yin in the yang side, and there is yang in the yin side. (Please refer to the picture of yin yang fish.) And there is no pure yin (pure dark) nor pure yang (pure bright), since ultimate yin lead to yang and ultimate yang lead to yin. If there is a point of pure yang or pure yin, it will not last any time and change to the opposite immediately. So, there always is hope in the darkest doubt, and there always is fear in the brightest faith. No matter how passionately you hold your faith, there is always a need of proof or support which is actually based on doubt and fear and you may never have realized it.
也许我们都知道阴和阳是一件事的两个方面。 但这不像一枚硬币。 阳侧有阴,阴侧有阳。 (请参阅阴阳鱼的图片。)而且,由于终极阴会导致阳,终极阳会导致阴,因此没有纯阴(纯黑)或纯阳(纯明亮)。 如果存在纯阳点或纯阴点,它将不会持续任何时间,而是立即变为相反的状态。 因此,在最黑暗的怀疑中总有希望,在最明的信念中总有恐惧。 无论您多么热衷于信仰,始终都需要基于怀疑和恐惧的证明或支持,您可能从未意识到。
What is the essence of Buddhism in one sentence?
Actually I don't know a lot about all so many different schools of Buddhism. So to me it seems possible to sum up one sentence for them. (Otherwise, I maybe too overwhelmed by too many knowledge to do that)
Somebody told me the aim of Marxism is not to explain or analyse the world but to change the world. In my view, the aim of Buddhism is to avoid or release from sufferings, instead of chasing truth or goodness.
But it is very important to get an correct idea of the reason of sufferings. Otherwise your way to achieve your aim would be wrong.
For example, you may be blinded by an emptiness or nothingness, and try to get a so called no-self by escaping from the world, or worse try all kinds of suicide (including spiritual suicide) to escape from your own life.
In my own opinion, it could be right to blame the state of clinging for anxieties or sufferings. But I don't agree to take the things we cling to as the reason of clinging . Why do we have a anxiety or desire to cling to something or attach to something. It is because we've lost ourselves. It sounds ridiculous if you go to a police station and claim this loss. But if we're blinded (blindfolded ) by all of those things before us, we can not find the true nature of ourselves, we would be nervous deeply. Even we may have never realized it clearly in mind, we're still so nervous or anxious that have to do all kinds of crazy things, using all kinds of excitements to cover our deep loss of inner peace.
Thus the sentence (not only summed up from Buddhism but also from other religion or any schools of thoughts who have interest in the true nature of ourselves) would be this: " Since a true faith don't need any proof, we should have the true faith in our true nature, and doubt any so called proof or support, not matter how special or so called holy they are, don't bound or blinded by them." It means all of those things before you including your body ,your thoughts, state of no thoughts, any special even unique experiences (no matter how spiritual), any words or sentences( no matter how holy), anything, is not the true you (the real you), but you are you, you are certainly existing, no matter in what kind of forms. Your body have a birth and death, there are no birth or death to the real you (the true you). Nor winning or losing. etc.
实际上,我对佛教的许多不同流派并不了解很多。因此对我来说,为他们总结一句话似乎是可能的。 (否则,我可能对太多的知识不知所措)