Zhihao Kong, a student at Purdue University, posted a letter online in 2020 commemorating the victims of the 1989 Tiananmen Square massacre. Shortly after he received a call from his parents, back home in China, saying they had been contacted by China's Ministry of State Security—the department responsible for national intelligence and managing domestic dissidents. Kong's parents told him the Ministry officers said he needed to cease his activism or he and his family would face trouble with the Chinese government. Other Chinese students at Purdue then began harassing Kong and threatening to report him to the Chinese government for his activism, which could potentially endanger both his life and the lives of his family.
The students that harassed Kong must be expelled from Purdue University in accordance with Purdue Policy III.C.1 (Anti-Harassment). From an email sent to Purdue faculty, students, and staff on December 15, 2021, Purdue President Mitch Daniels has said "But joining the Purdue community requires acceptance of its rules and values, and no value is more central to our institution or to higher education generally than the freedom of inquiry and expression. Those seeking to deny those rights to others, let alone to collude with foreign governments in repressing them, will need to pursue their education elsewhere." Kong has had the courage to speak up for freedom; it's time for lovers of freedom to stand up for Kong. The identities of Kong's harassers need to be discovered and President Daniels needs to be held to his word. These students must not be allowed to continue to attend Purdue University.
根据普渡大学政策III.C.1(反骚扰),骚扰孔志豪的学生必须被开除出普渡大学。从2021年12月15日发给普渡大学教师、学生和工作人员的电子邮件中,普渡大学校长米奇-丹尼尔斯曾说:"但加入普渡大学社区需要接受其规则和价值观,没有任何价值观比探究和表达自由对我们的机构或一般高等教育更重要。那些试图剥夺他人这些权利的人,更不用说与外国政府勾结压制这些权利,将需要在其他地方继续接受教育。" 孔志豪有勇气为自由发声;现在是热爱自由的人为孔志豪站出来的时候了。需要发现孔志豪骚扰者的身份,需要让丹尼尔斯校长履行他的承诺。决不能让这些学生继续在普渡大学上学。