

You know what, I'm willing to hail hitler and trump when holding a pride flag in one hand and an Ingsoc flag in the other, singing the The Internationale with a choir of monkeys wearing ushankas

Just this once

  1. 食人大佐韦国清   有缘再见

    O say can you see, by the dawn's early light, What so proudly we hailed at the twilight's last gleaming, Whose broad stripes and bright stars through the perilous fight, O'er the ramparts we watched, were so gallantly streaming? And the rocket's red glare, the bombs bursting in air, Gave proof through the night that our flag was still there; O say does that star-spangled banner yet wave O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave?

  2. 食人大佐韦国清   有缘再见

    Let no one build walls to divide us Walls of hatred nor walls of stone Come greet the dawn and stand beside us We'll live together or we'll die alone In our world poisoned by exploitation Those who have taken, now they must give! And end the vanity of nations We've but one Earth on which to live And so begins the final drama In the streets and in the fields We stand unbowed before their armour We defy their guns and shields! When we fight, provoked by their aggression Let us be inspired by life and love For though they offer us concessions Change will not come from above!

  3. 食人大佐韦国清   有缘再见

    Birds fly high in the summer sky And rest on the breeze The same wind will take care of you and I We'll build our house in the trees

    Your heart is on my sleeve Did you put there with a magic marker For years I would believe That the world couldn't wash it away

    'Cause we can't fall any further If we can't feel ordinary love And we cannot reach any higher If we can't deal with ordinary love

  4. 爱狗却养猫 饭丝


  5. 食人大佐韦国清   有缘再见
  6. 食人大佐韦国清   有缘再见

    I only have one measly share. I missed the boat on this, I was preoccupied the last few months with my wife's cancer battle

    But this situation is the first time I've felt like I have any sort of purpose since my wife passed away earlier this month.

    All i have is one share, but thank you for letting me feel invigorated. I don't have my livelihood riding on this. But for the first time in a long while, I feel a fire inside me. Thank you for this.

    She always used to tease me for my obsessions with meme stocks, but I know she'd have loved to hear me rant about this bullshit in endless anti-establishment screeds. I won't get to hear her laugh at me for it, but the least we can do is burn Melvin and Citadel to ashes.

    She was stubborn as hell, and I hope everyone else here will join me in stubbornly refusing to sell.

    EDIT: Didnt expect many to see this, you guys have made me cry again, thanks, retards. You guys are the best. This is the shit that the hedgefunds will never have. They will never have our humanity, nor our Gamestop shares!

    EDIT 2: You guys are amazing and generous and I've had a few people ask about donations they can make in her honor, or whether they can buy me shares or send me money or profits off the stock. Please don't send me money, thankfully, medical bills are not an issue as she had excellent insurance until the end. I will be ok financially, as well even if im still making adjustments. If you wanted to fund shares for me, buy them for yourself, because we're all in this together. I love this stock and i want everyone to have some! However, if you want to give, I've been directing people to give to the American Cancer Society. If that's cool, awesome. If you have another cause and this made you want to give, give to them instead. I very much appreciate the sentiments though.