

goodidea 想被玩坏
goodidea  ·  2020年11月26日 我好想被最心爱的人玩坏,反正感觉自己活不久了,还不如被玩坏呢



  1. Misaki KBBL
    Misaki   习帝,习帝,我要Diss你!


    Biden and China, by David Leonhardt

    Biden and his aides have signaled that they will not return to the wishful pre-Trump policy toward China (even though several of them helped shape that policy in the Obama administration). “The United States does need to get tough with China,” Biden wrote in Foreign Affairs magazine in January.

    To do so, they will use diplomacy. Antony Blinken, Biden’s choice for secretary of state, said this summer: “We are in a competition with China … We need to rally our allies and partners instead of alienating them to deal with some of the challenges that China poses.” Jake Sullivan, the incoming national security adviser, has written (along with the historian Hal Brands) that the way to check China’s display of a “superpower’s ambition” and maintain U.S. influence is to end “the current trajectory of self-sabotage.”

    Biden, speaking about his new appointees yesterday, said, “They embody my core beliefs that America is strongest when it works with its allies.”

    In concrete terms, this could mean forging more agreements on restricting the use of Chinese technology, like Huawei. It could mean creating economic alliances that invest in developing countries only if they agree to respect intellectual property and human rights — and trying to isolate China in the process.

    The larger goal will be making other countries believe that the U.S. is no longer going it alone. “The narrative in Asia,” Michael Green of the Center for Strategic and International Studies, told me, “is that America is out of the game.”

  2. 沉默的广场  


    According to Sullivan:
    “We need to strike a middle course – one that encourages China’s rise in a manner consistent with an open, fair, rules-based, regional order,”
    But that is the problem, China has never shown any indication of being consistent with open, fair, rules-based, regional order.
    China both steals intellectual property, forces it to be turned over to the government as part of doing business in China and basically does not protect intellectual property rights.
    China artificially manipulates its currency.
    China does not respect basic human rights.
    China has a horrible record on environmental issues.
    China has neither free press or open access to the internet.
    What makes anyone think that any of this will ever change?
    This is like claiming we should give the mafia a chance to behave.


  3. 邹韬奋 外逃贪官CA
    邹韬奋   虽然韬光养晦,亦当奋起而争(拜登永不为奴:h.2047.one)

    "This is like claiming we should give the mafia a chance to behave."

    Actually US indeed gave mafia a second chance to behave. And they did!

  4. KingSager 自由且迷茫
    KingSager   祗园精舍钟声响,诉说世事本无常。沙罗双树花失色,盛者必衰若沧桑



  5. 笑看美分恨国党  

    @KingSager #114692 首先民众的记忆力只有7秒,其次他们很喜欢中国奴隶工厂生产的廉价商品,再次和中国有生意的老板们会不停说中国的好话,再再次民主国家的政客的任务是讨好这些民众和老板,最后你会看到所谓“永久的改变了对中国的看法”就是个笑话。

  6. 邹韬奋 外逃贪官CA
    邹韬奋   虽然韬光养晦,亦当奋起而争(拜登永不为奴:h.2047.one)