
最好的《朝九晚五 (9 to 5) 》演唱版,在美剧《年轻一代(younger)》s6e1中出现

natasha 饭姐

在美剧《年轻一代(younger)》第六季第一集中,Liza和Kelsey试图争取Diana,演唱了《9 to 5》这首歌。这首经典老歌的原唱者是Dolly Parton,也曾被多人翻唱过,但我觉得这一版的演出特别传神。


( 下面为该曲的中文翻译,可能译文不是最精巧,但却很直接、有冲击力。)

“从床上爬起迷迷糊糊走进厨房,Tumble outta bed and I stumble to the kitchen,

给自己灌下一杯雄心壮志,Pour myself a cup of ambition;

伸着懒腰舒展筋骨满血复活。Yawn and stretch and try to come to life.

跳进淋浴热血开始沸腾,Jump in the shower and the blood starts pumpin',

走上大街,车流涌动,Out on the streets the traffic starts jumpin',

像我这样朝九晚五的人们啊。For folks like me out on the job from nine to five.

朝九晚五的工作啊,Workin' nine to five,

这是怎样的谋生!what a way to make a living!

朝不保夕的度日,Barely gettin' by,

只有索取全无付出 it's all takin' and no givin'

他们只是利用你的心智, They just use your mind,

却从不给你肯定, and they never give you credit.

如果听之任之,足以让你发疯!It's enough to drive you crazy if you let it.

他们给你美梦只为看着它破碎, They let you dream just to watch 'em shatter.

你只是老板梯子上的一个台阶,You're just a step on the boss man's ladder;

但你的梦想他永远夺不走!But you got dreams he'll never take away!

你有很多朋友同舟共济 You're in the same boat with a lot of your friends,

等待方舟到来的那一天 Waitin' for the day your ship'll come in.

当巨浪打来,And the tide's gonna turn

所有人都被吞噬 And it's all gonna roll you away

  1. 蓝色梦想小马先生 不是好奇宝宝
    蓝色梦想小马先生   好像是个浸会徒?

    9 to 5还长啊,我们这些国内人过的都是什么出生日子

  2. natasha 饭姐
    natasha 回复 蓝色梦想小马先生 /p/197404

    这首歌作于1980年,时代不同。另外,9 to 5指代的是从早到晚日复一日周而复始的打工生活,并不限于九点到五点。