
Help! I am stuck and … 看不懂這個酵話!


A PUN-ishing post

What has 4 letters, usually 7, occasionally 12, seldom 6, but never 5?

但是有幾則不大理解,無所不能的 7 友看得懂嗎?

1․ Cup cake

2․ The best part of waking up

3․ People without guns have never shot anyone.

— When people fight with crossbows, they are quarrelling.

4․ Crow … murder investigation

5․ Fishizzle. Cirrhosis of the river.

6․ Vladislav. Don’t hurt me no more.

7․ A frog and … a rocket / missile and a ribbon?

8․ I got 2 meanings from the ‘pull out’ sign. Does it have a third meaning?

9․ Just irony?

10․ If a psychiatrist puts you in a straight jacket, you are shrink wrapped. (Shipwrecked?)

  1. babyshark  

    What has 4 letters, occasionally 12, usually 7, seldom 6, but never 5?


    1. 谷歌搜一下Jazz Cups,所以叫cup cake。

    2. 我也不懂

    3. crossbow的箭(bolt)又称作quarrel

    4. 一群乌鸦叫做a murder of crows. 就像 a flock of birds, a pair of shoes.

    5. Fishizzle = for shizzle (for sure). Cirrhosis of the river像Cirrhosis of the liver(肝硬化)

    6. 有个梗,油管上搜 Vladislav baby don't hurt me。原版"what is love"听起来像"Vladislav"

    7. 洋人习俗挂一捆mistletoe,在下面亲吻。mistletoe = missile toad.

    8. pull out = 射在外面。family courtroom常用来争小孩的抚养权。射外面就好了。。。

    9. George Orwell写的1984。故居还被装了摄像头。。

    10. 心理医生俗称shrink。shrink wrap就是那种塑料包装,像一箱矿泉水外面包的塑料膜。

    1. 驚了。你是洋大人嗎?怎麼都看得出來。

      What has 4 letters, occasionally 12, usually 7, seldom 6, but never 5?

      這個是我(改)編的。同時有人可能想到 fuck。這個不是我看不懂的。

      8 的三個含義我是在想,有 1. 「拉開」的意思,2. 「離開,放棄」的意思,還有就是 3. 你說的。一開始沒想這麼污。

      圖 2 找到了。2016-09 廣告:The best part of waking up, is Folgers in your cup.

  2. XComhghall  


    You thought this post would be funny?

    1. A frayed knot.

      I think knot.

  3. 黑化会发肥   死胖子非活胖子

    第2个因该是玩了Folgers咖啡广告的谐音梗,广告里面的口头禅是'The best part of waking up is Folgers in your cup.'

    1. 2016 年的廣告,你們怎麼神通廣大這都知道。

    2. Folgers什么垃圾

    3. 我在美国的时候,办公室里免费给大家喝Folgers,前台的黑人大姐都说这玩意不好喝,她宁可到加油站买一杯咖啡喝