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  1. babyshark   在小组 2047 回答问题

    Help! I am stuck and … 看不懂這個酵話!

    What has 4 letters, occasionally 12, usually 7, seldom 6, but never 5?


    1. 谷歌搜一下Jazz Cups,所以叫cup cake。

    2. 我也不懂

    3. crossbow的箭(bolt)又称作quarrel

    4. 一群乌鸦叫做a murder of crows. 就像 a flock of birds, a pair of shoes.

    5. Fishizzle = for shizzle (for sure). Cirrhosis of the river像Cirrhosis of the liver(肝硬化)

    6. 有个梗,油管上搜 Vladislav baby don't hurt me。原版"what is love"听起来像"Vladislav"

    7. 洋人习俗挂一捆mistletoe,在下面亲吻。mistletoe = missile toad.

    8. pull out = 射在外面。family courtroom常用来争小孩的抚养权。射外面就好了。。。

    9. George Orwell写的1984。故居还被装了摄像头。。

    10. 心理医生俗称shrink。shrink wrap就是那种塑料包装,像一箱矿泉水外面包的塑料膜。