

Misaki KBBL
Misaki  ·  2021年6月19日 习帝,习帝,我要Diss你!


最近英国《每日电讯报》驻华记者Sophia Yan去了新疆多地采访,沿途不仅有不明人士阻止拍摄,还有黑皮不断的滋扰······



Hilton hotel to be built in Xinjiang after China bulldozes mosque (paywall maybe)

In Urumqi, the capital of the region, one former mosque had simply been reduced to a patch of bare ground. In one instance, Telegraph reporters were assaulted by 30 men in plain clothes, who hit the journalists in the face, grabbed their necks and confiscated camera equipment in an attempt to prevent them from accessing Imam Musa Kazim, a mosque and major shrine in Hotan.



Is China’s persecution of millions of Muslim Uyghurs entering a sinister new phase? (paywall maybe)

Mandatory mobile apps – designed by local governments and justified as coronavirus contact tracing – require Chinese to register travel history and detailed personal information, including their ethnicity, yet another way to track movements. The programs were unable to register foreigners with passport numbers - a reason police at checkpoints barred Teleegraph journalists from certain areas.




What I discovered on my nine-day trip covering China’s repression in Xinjiang region, by Sophia Yan (paywall maybe)

The long-term goal of China’s campaign seems to be to disrupt Uyghur identity, culture and heritage to force assimilation rather than risk any challenge to its rule.

One of the biggest impacts of the crackdown is how families and communities have been torn apart. Fathers, uncles, sisters and daughters have been thrown in detention, while children are instructed to inform on their parents, a chilling parallel to a Uyghur translation of George Orwell’s 1984 I saw in a state-run bookstore.

  1. 民主回歸線   來自臺灣的進步人士,反對極端右翼,不支持極左翼思想。世界主義者。喜歡看二戰歷史、蘇聯歷史和關注人權侵犯事件。頭像爲立場新聞的圖像,代表聲援立場。

    這個人挺勇敢的。話是我在新疆我連VPN和墻外軟件都不敢用,不在新疆都會被抓,何況在新疆這個不可接近之極。(Poles of inaccessibility)

  2. observerEDGE 废物
    observerEDGE   始终坚持图书馆革命,星星之火,终会燎原
  3. Truth