

邹韬奋 外逃贪官CA
邹韬奋  ·  2021年1月13日 虽然韬光养晦,亦当奋起而争(拜登永不为奴:h.2047.one)

Stormfront的历史你们随便维基一下就知道,站长Don Black那可是响当当的真 红脖民兵,极端白右,1980年阴谋侵略多米尼克被美国政府捉进局子的,老婆也是David Duke的前妻,David Duke就不用说了吧,近几十年3K党唯一一个选进州议会议员的。Don Black 开这网站可是1996年,那是互联网泡沫还没起家的老大咖了,人家和方舟子一样,嘴臭30年不变,放着大好的赚钱机会不去搞,天天在网上键政。而且Don Black论坛上的东西可是有危险的,真的组织人去炸联邦大楼那可没有宪法第一修正案保护哦。


但是几十年如一日的白人种族主义者怒怼deep state(当然更正确的称呼是zionist occupied government, ZOG), 肯定比最近4年不知道从哪里冒出来的川粉们可靠多了,毕竟白人至上者基本是川粉,但是川粉很多可没有白人至上者的政治信仰。同样,我看毛左的文章比看五毛的文章舒服多了,前者怒怼邓共背叛腊肉,后者则无原则的“两个不能相互否定”洗地。所以看他们批判川普的失败,比看轮郭之类为川普鸣冤叫屈的东西过瘾多了。

比如 Re: Why Did Donald Trump Never Create His Own Media?

Trump was unwise, naïve, or both.

He didn't create his own media for the same reason he didn't replace every Obummer appointee, arrest John Kerry for violation of the Logan Act, or even convince a grand jury on Hillary.

He assumed that like a business when all is said and done, when the cameras are off and the doors are closed, all sides have a vested interest in the continued success of the company. Board members might disagree on how to steer the company, but nobody wanted to see it go bankrupt.

How wrong he was. He did not understand that the democratic party no longer consists of politicians who disagree on how to spend the nation's wealth with their Republican counterparts. The Democratic party is filled to the brim with communist Marxists who hate, nay loathe, this country and actively desire its destruction.

I suspect only now that the communists (and let's call them what they are for they are no longer democrats) are planning a nationwide purge of all non-communists and ruling this country in a bizarre form on feudalism and communism along the California model does he regret golfing the nation transformed.

Only now that the nation is going full communist, with the end of the filibuster, with the acceptance of Puerto Rico & DC as newest communist vassal states, the open the abolishment of most of the bill or rights, and the open end to honest elections, I hope that Trump never forgets the nation fell on his watch. His inaction allowed this to happen.

当然上面这段话从极端白右嘴里出来也是一股反讽的味道。白人至上的朋友们何时真相信过美国宪法的Bill of Rights呢,还不是3K党骑士团的“封建制”,这种封建制也许在姨学意义上和美国现在的宪法有点理论关系,可是执行上却没有任何相关的地方。


  1. 爱狗却养猫 饭丝


    话说这篇"Trump was unwise, naive, or both"的评论让我想起昨天在品葱看到的一篇:川普败选的自身原因探讨