1. 100个囚徒
100 prisoners are being held in a prison. They are told that in one hour, they will all be taken to separate windowless, soundproof rooms. One at a time, and in a random order, they will be taken from their rooms, interrogated, and then sent back to their rooms. All interrogations will take place in the same room, which contains one light bulb and the switch that operates it. The light is initially off, but the inmates are free to toggle the switch as often as they want, whenever they are in the interrogation room, and the guards will not toggle the switch at all. No person can see the light from his room. Only one person is interrogated at a time, each person can be interrogated multiple times, and they have no way of communicating besides the light switch. The length and amount of time between interrogations is random, so no help there. At any time, any person under interrogation may state, "Everyone has been interrogated at least once." If this statement is true, everyone will be released. If it is false, all of the people will be executed. The people have one hour to work out their strategy before they're isolated for good. How do they get released?
1.2 100个囚徒(续)
(1) 加分项,如果囚徒们不知道最开始电灯是开着还是关着,他们有什么策略吗?
(2) 另外,假设每天一次审讯。在这种情况下有更有效率的解。
For bonus points, what is their strategy if they don't know the initial state of the light switch?
Alternative: suppose there is one interrogation per day. In this case there exist different more efficient solutions.
2. 100个海盗
100 pirates (p1, p2, ... p100) are dividing up a treasure consisting of 50 indivisible gold coins of equal worth. The pirates have a total-order hierarchy, i.e. pirate p1 is the head pirate, p2 is a rank lower in the order, p3 lower still, ... The process works like this: The highest ranking pirate who is still alive proposes how he would like to divide the treasure. Then all living pirates (including him) vote on the proposal. If at least half of the pirates alive vote for the proposal, then it is accepted, otherwise the pirate who made the proposal is killed and the process is repeated. The pirates are perfectly intelligent, logical and rational (see Blue Eyed Puzzle). Each pirate's priorities are, in this order: Survival, wealth (getting the highest number of coins possible), bloodthirstiness (seeing as many pirates killed as possible, other than himself). In other words a pirate will always choose an outcome in which he lives over one in which he dies. Given two outcomes in which he lives, he will choose the one where he gets more coins. And given two outcomes in which he lives and gets the same number of coins he will choose the one in which the highest number of other pirates die. How will the gold coins be divided?
2.2 100个海盗(续)
Note: For bonus points, how will the gold coins be divided if there are 200 pirates?