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    浙江罗纳服饰工人猝死半年 工厂长期超时加班 应追究工会履责不利

    企业高管担任工会主席 市工会称不了解情况


    国际机构连续两年查实苏州佳世达工时问题,苏州工会在哪里?—— 小徐下班后猝死在宿舍要追责


    西安比亚迪工厂一名55岁工人过劳死亡 企业应正视厂内违法加班状况




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    大主教萨尔瓦多·科迪莱昂(Salvatore Cordileone)以题为“为什么马克思主义和新马克思主义政权害怕宗教”的主题演讲拉开讨论的序幕。


    中共当局公然在教堂内设立 “反邪教警示教育基地”


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    The idea of universal values is a myth. Values are not universally shared among the world’s religions or philosophies. They come from a place of belief, and the five Lightglider values explicitly come from a belief in the Christian faith as taught by the Bible. Here’s how:


    从这里可以看到universal values是基于基督徒的信仰,基督徒是讲神爱世人,共产党是讲阶级仇恨的,所以确实水火不相容。因为仇恨会遮蔽住你的双眼,仇恨日本、仇恨美国,不过中国社会的食品安全,医疗收费问题,教育,养老问题,也不是日本和美国造成的啊。不过共产党就是要培养仇恨,让你们忘却现实存在的问题,而去仇恨隔着一个太平洋的美国。

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    00后女孩代孕流产 黑产链再引伦理热议




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    Proprietary Software Is Often Malware

    Online services are not released software, but in regard to all the bad aspects, using a service is equivalent to using a copy of released software. In particular, a service can be designed to mistreat the user, and many services do that. However, we do not list instances of malicious dis-services here, for two reasons. First, a service (whether malicious or not) is not a program that one could install a copy of, and there is no way at all for users to change it. Second, it is so obvious that a service can mistreat users if the owner wishes that we hardly need to prove it.


    When a web site provides access to a service, it very likely sends nonfree JavaScript software to execute in the user's browser. Such JavaScript code is released software, and it's morally equivalent to other nonfree apps. If it does malicious things, we want to mention them here.


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    Proprietary Software Is Often Malware

    Proprietary software, also called nonfree software, means software that doesn't respect users' freedom and community. A proprietary program puts its developer or owner in a position of power over its users. This power is in itself an injustice.


    Power corrupts; the proprietary program's developer is tempted to design the program to mistreat its users. (Software designed to function in a way that mistreats the user is called malware.) Of course, the developer usually does not do this out of malice, but rather to profit more at the users' expense. That does not make it any less nasty or more legitimate.


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    Reasons not to use ChatGPT

    ChatGPT is not "intelligence", so please don't call it "AI".

    ChatGPT 是非智能的,所以不要称呼它为AI

    I define "intelligence" as being capable of knowing or understanding, at least within some domain. ChatGPT cannot know or understand anything, so it is not intelligence. It does not know what its output means. It has no idea that words can mean anything.


    I call it a "bullshit generator" because it generates output "with indifference to the truth".


    The widespread public error of attributing intelligence to those systems leads millions of people to a misplaced trust for them. Please join me in spreading the word that people should not trust systems that mindlessly play with words to be correct in what those words mean.


    Another reason to reject ChatGPT in particular is that users cannot get a copy of it. It is unreleased software -- users cannot get even an executable to run, let alone the source code. The only way to use it is by talking to a server which keeps users at arm's length.


    SEEKFORFREEDOM   在小组 2047 发表文章

    Reasons not to use Netflix

    Netflix commits the three usual injustices of digital publishing: Digital Restrictions Management (DRM), End User License Agreements that restrict the customer beyond the restrictions of copyright law, and identifying and tracking the customers.

    Netfilx 有三个主要的问题:1.DRM 2.用户许可协议 3.实名认证并且记录用户数据

    To tolerate any of these predatious practices is to surrender our rights without a fight. Please join me in refusing: Flick off Netflix.

    Netflix dodges taxes using tax havens, much like Amazon and other big companies.

    Netflix is a surveillance system: it demands customers identify themselves to pay, and thus records what each person watches. Protect your privacy — reject Netflix!


    SEEKFORFREEDOM   在小组 2047 发表文章

    No national identity cards

    I'd like to make a list of countries that do not require a national identity card,and have no plans to adopt one.If you live in or have confirmed knowledge of such a country,please send me email to rms at gnu.org

    Here's my list of countries with no national cards and no plans for one:Australia,Canada,New Zealand,UK.Australia's previous goverment tried to institute national ID cards,but the Labor goverment dropped the plan.


    India has mostly finished imposing a national biometric ID number in a grand act of oppression


    Switzerland has national ID cards which are optional,but they or some other government ID card are needed for some purposes.

    Iceland doesn't have ID cards as such,but they have ID numbers that citizens are forced to use frequently.For example,the national ID number is often required to rend a video or use a gym.

    Denmark issues non-photo ID cards with a "person number",and many services use this card to identify people.

    Norway will impose a national biometric ID card.


    Ireland-national ID card by stealth.

    SEEKFORFREEDOM   在小组 2047 发表文章

    Reasons not to use Uber

    Uber is a big advance in massive surveillance. Unlike a taxi, an Uber car can't be used anonymously. You can't pay cash. It also requires use of nonfree software, which mistreats the user.


    Uber collects data about passengers, then uses the data to profile them in various ways.


    SEEKFORFREEDOM   在小组 2047 发表文章

    The Danger of Ebooks

    With printed books

    You can buy one with cash, anonymously


    Then you own it


    You are not required to sign a license that restricts your use of it.


    The format is known, and no proprietary technology is needed to read the book


    You have the right to give, lend or sell the book to another


    You can, physically, copy the book, and it's sometimes lawful under copyright.


    Nobody has the power to remotely destroy your book


    Contrast that with Amazon ebooks (fairly typical):


    Amazon requires users to identify themselves to get an ebook


    In some countries, including the US, Amazon says the user cannot own the ebook


    Amazon requires the user to accept a restrictive license on use of the ebook


    The format is secret and only proprietary user-restricting software lawfully supports it.


    The Kindle tells Amazon what page the user is reading, plus any notes the user enters


    An ersatz “lending” is allowed for some books, for a limited time, but only by specifying by name another user of the same system. No giving or selling

    Copying the ebook is blocked by Digital Restrictions Management .


    Amazon can remotely delete the ebook using a back door. In 2009, Amazon deleted thousands of copies of George Orwell's 1984. this way

    Amazon能够用后门远程删除电子书,在2009年的时候,Amazon用这种方式删除了数千份George Orwell的1984小说的拷贝

    Amazon can do anything to a Kindle user through a universal back door.


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    Reasons not to use WhatsApp

    Use of whatsapp requires giving a phone number.


    Using WhatsApp requires you to run non-free software either in the form of JavaScript code downloaded and run in the browser or through their app.


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    Reasons not to be used by Facebook

    Facebook made a deal with Huawei to give it access to personal data of Facebook useds. This included useds who were customers of Huawei, and their "friends". This even though the US government considers Huawei a spy for China.


    Facebook now intentionally puts positive stories about Facebook into its useds' Facebook news feeds.


    Many governments and political factions, in many countries, are making massive use of Facebook for disinformation.


    Facebook may be able to identify whether each of its useds is mentally ill or not.


    Facebook's mobile app snoops on SMS messages.


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    Reasons not to buy from Amazon


    If you want to order a book (or something else), don't buy it from Amazon. Amazon harms its customers, as well as workers, the national treasury, and many others that it affects


    Here's a good (though long) overview of why Amazon's overall activity is harmful to society overall.


    This page lists alternatives to Amazon for buying various kinds of products. These sites may share some of Amazon's unethical practices: identifying each custoimer and requiring per to run nonfree software (JavaSccript code sent to the browser). I refuse to do those things, so I do not use use any of those sites. But they may not be evil in some of the ways that Amazon is. 这个页面列举了可以买各种产品的Amazon的替代品。这些网站也有类似Amazon的不道德的地方:需要进行身份认证还有就是需要运行非自由的软件(浏览器需要运行Javascript代码)。我拒绝做这些事情,所以我也不会使用上述任何一个网站。但是它们比起Amazon还是稍微好一点

    To avoid being the victim of digital injustice, buy from a physical store, paying cash, anonymously. That is what I do. 为了避免隐私受到侵害,在实体店购物,用现金,匿名,这是我用的方式。 For videos, you can get a DVD. It may have DRM (always an injustice in itself), but at least there is free software to break the DRM on DVDs. However, it is morally better to get a non-oppressive copy through sharing. 你可以用DVD看影像,它可能会有DRM(它本身就是不公正的),但是至少有自由软件可以破解DVD上的DRM.但是要是分享可以自由拷贝的影像资料,那么内心道德上会更容易接受一点

    For a printed book, order it directly from the publisher or through a local book store. A local independent book store lets me pay cash in advance to order a book, and not identify myself. 可以直接从出版商或者当地书店购买纸质书。在当地的独立书店,我可以直接用现金预定而且不需要自证身份

    If you want to use a URL to identify a book, please don't use an Amazon page! Doing so promotes Amazon. 如果你想要使用一个指向纸质书的URL,请不要指向Amazon页面!这对Amazon是有帮助的

    Here are other specific reasons — plenty of them.




    If you do internet purchases, making a point of not buying through Amazon is a way you can personally push back.


    Amazon has so much power over the US retail economy that it imposes its power over all participants.


    If it is going to be a monopoly, it should be regulated like other monopolies. Or perhaps more.

    Amazon has so much market share that its sheer size distorts the market.


    We should not allow a company to have a share over around 10% of any market. If in a certain field a single dominant company is beneficial for society, that means it is a natural monopoly, and should be served by a regulated utility.


    Amazon is trying to trick me into signing up for Prime services. And bully her, too.


    Amazon offered a "30-day free trial", and started paid subscriptions automatically at the end of it.


    This is clearly an attempt to trick customers — wrong in all cases no matter how many companies do it.


    Amazon appears to have cooperated with the US government to intercept a Thinkpad keyboard purchased by a Tor developer. To install a spy device, presumably.


    Amazon delays order processing for customers that have not paid a subscription fee for "prime" delivery.

    Amazon会延迟处理客户的订单, 如果他没有订阅prime邮寄服务的话

    Limiting the use of Cash 限制现金的使用

    Amazon's new grocery stores do not accept cash. They impose the same surveillance as ordering online from Amazon. Amazon的新杂货店不接受现金。从Amazon网上订购东西同样也有监控

    In addition, success of this would mean the loss of thousands of jobs.


    Amazon's on-line music "sales" have some of the same problems as the ebooks: users are required to identify themselves and sign a contract that denies them the freedoms they would have with a CD.


    The Amazon Swindle has a back door that can erase books. We found out about this when Amazon remotely erased thousands of copies of 1984. In response to criticism, Amazon promised it would never do this again unless ordered to by the state, which I find not very comforting.

    Amazon Swindle有可以删除电子书的后门。Amazon远程删除了数千份1984电子书的拷贝,我们才发现这一点。为了回应批评,Amazon保证它以后不会这样做了,除非有政府的命令,我感觉这样的回应不能让人信服

    Amazon did not keep that promise. In 2012 it wiped a user's Kindle and deleted her account, then offered her kafkaesque "explanations".


    The Swindle has a universal back door through which that Amazon can forcibly change the software. This is called "auto-update". It puts the user helplessly at Amazon's mercy.


    Amazon's book recommendations are not based honestly on algorithms that try to figure out what users might like. Publishers pay to have their books promoted this way.


    Amazon rents textbooks to students with a requirement not to take them across state lines.


    Amazon "sold" someone Disney Christmas videos (via remote access, not a local copy); subsequently Amazon, at Disney's command, cut off access for Christmas. This demonstrates why we should not trust remote hosting for copies of published works. Insist on having your own copy which is yours.


    Amazon's service, that offers you an MP3 for CDs you bought there, respects your rights less than ripping the CDs yourself.


    Amazon closes customers' accounts, which implies confiscating their money, if they return too many defective products.


    The company refuses even to discuss why.


    Amazon threatens to cut off customers if they return things more than occasionally. Amazon's customers nominally have the right to return merchandise — unless they exercise that right.


    I have never bought anything from Amazon. And I never will. Amazon knows my name because a friend, believing this was helpful, decided to get something for me and told Amazon to send it to my address, an act which made me feel violated. I hope nothing like that will ever happen again.


    Amazon stopped distribution of an ebook that exposed how ebook bestseller lists can be manipulated (and are therefore meaningless).


    Amazon regularly gives Ring door camera videos to the government without getting permission from the camera's nominal owner.

    在没有取得摄像头名义上的所有者同意的情况下,Amazon就经常性的把Ring door摄像头的录像交给政府

    A voice command system that is safe for its owner would be one that runs only free software, and does the whole job locally, communicating with other sites only when asked to. With the software inside free, the owner of this device would truly own it.


    The Amazon Echo seems to have a universal back door, which means that Amazon could convert it into full-time listening device at any time.

    Amazon Echo看起来存在一个通用后门,这也就意味着Amazon可以随时让其变成全天候的监听设备

    Since Amazon requires customers to identify themselves, it knows what each one has bought. That in itself is unacceptable, especially for books. I pay for books with cash only, and do not identify myself to any bookseller that takes note of which books I bought.


    The Kindle Swindle informs Amazon when the user reads books that didn't come from Amazon. It also tells Amazon which pages each user reads.

    Kindle Swindle会告知Amazon,当用户读的书不是来自Amazon的时候,同时也会告知Amazon用户读到哪一页了

    The Amazon "Smart" TV is watching and listening all the time.


    This is dangerous, and we should not allow Amazon to continue to track people as it does.


    Facebook made a secret deal with Amazon to give Amazon access to Facebook's data about users. A plague on both of those companies! Facebook和Amazon做了秘密交易,Amazon可以访问Facebook的用户数据。这真是两个公司之间的肮脏交易

    Amazon gets access to video from Ring devices.


    How to stop it? That's easy. First, don't buy from Amazon. Second, ask your friends not to give Amazon your name, address, or anything else. If that has already happened, that doesn't mean you have to let it happen again!


    Amazon warehouse workers say they are forced to speed up and ignore safety rules.


    Hello, Alexa, were you made in a Chinese sweatshop?


    The workers don't have breaks even enough to go to the toilet.


    The workers in Amazon's warehouses are so remote-controlled that they are effectively robots human brains inside. Amazon血汗工厂的工人们是被远程控制的,它们事实上就是机器人但是里面是人类的大脑

    Amazon Workers Sleep in Tents Near Firm's Scottish Depot to Avoid Travel Costs.


    Amazon works its warehouse staff to the point of sickness and even death.


    When workers at Amazon are injured, Amazon shafts them.


    Amazon's shipping in the US is done in a sweatshop with paramedics standing by for workers who pass out from the heat. Amazon在美国的运输是在血汗工厂里完成的,工人会因为身体过热而昏倒,所以旁边都会站着护理人员

    Workers in an Amazon warehouse and shipping center walk all day under the orders of a computer, and are forbidden even to speak to each other.


    A stress expert, looking at an undercover report about an Amazon warehouse, says these conditions make physical and mental illness more likely.


    Working for Amazon makes staff physically and mentally ill.


    Amazon pressures its "self-employed" delivery drivers to drive without seat belts; they aren't given time to go to the toilet so they have to piss and defacate in the car.


    Amazon pays Mechanical Turk workers as little as 2 dollars an hour, making the excuse that they are "independent contractors".


    More on the horrible treatment of its workers.


    Amazon's office workers are better paid but they have to work 80 hours a week. That's even more time than I spend volunteering!


    Only a union could stop Amazon's persistent mistreatment of its workers.


    We should not allow any bookstore to be as big as Amazon.


    At least 10% of Amazon's success is due to avoiding the taxes that physical book stores pay.


    UK independent bookstores condemn Amazon for not paying taxes as they do.


    A study found that people who read novels on the Amazon Swindle remember less of the the events in the novel.

    研究发现在Amazon Swindle上读小说比在实体小说上记忆的东西少

    I think issues like this are less important than the injustice of the Swindle 我认为像这种问题比起Swindle的不公正来说是无关紧要的

    Amazon collects data about everything a user does while looking at amazon.com, and uses this to compete unfairly with the independent companies that sell across amazon.com.


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    Why we need a state


    Revised 2017


    I'm not an anarchist, and it's not just because I have a pro-state gland ;-). It's because we need a state to do many important things.

    我不是一个无政府主义者,这不仅仅是因为我有a pro-state gland ;-),而是我们需要政府去做很多重要的事情

    We need a state for:


    providing food, clothing and shelter to the poor


    providing medical care and education to all


    building roads, train lines, water pipes and sewers


    funding research, including testing of pharmaceuticals


    protecting public health


    defending the nation


    prosecuting perpetrators of crimes whether committed on a street or in a bank office


    regulating businesses so they don't harm our health or our environment


    ensuring workers can form unions; preventing exploitative working conditions


    making sure employers don't steal employees' wages


    inspecting foods for safety


    Making sure products contain what they claim to contain and the stated amount, too


    banning digital products that do DRM or censorship


    reducing CO2 emissions to save us from global heating disaster


    ensure that chemical products are not toxic


    and protecting human rights for all


    (This list is not meant to be complete or exclusive.)


    Doing these jobs costs money, so we need the state to collect taxes to pay for these jobs. The state should make the rich (and big businesses) pay a much higher tax rate because they can afford it. Taxes are bad only when the state spends much of them on war and corruption.


    We need a state to stop businesses from conspiring to eliminate competition, or becoming so big and powerful that the state doesn't dare regulate or tax them as is necessary.


    Above all, we need a state in order to have democracy, which is the system by which the many non-rich join together to overcome the power of the rich and thus deny them control over society.


    It's not that I implicitly "trust" the state; that question is a side issue. Rather, we can't do without it. Keeping the state on the right path requires paying constant attention, so that is what we must do.


    Businesses are terribly dangerous and corporations are psychopaths. Businesses will work people into the ground, while cheating and occasionally killing their customers, if we don't stop them. Each business's CEO will argue that it must regretfully do so because its competitors do. I am skeptical about the regrets, but even if they are sincere, they are no substitute for ending the wrongs.


    The only systemic way we can be powerful enough to overcome those businesses' power is to join together through a democratic state. 唯一有效遏制资本家权力的制度,就是可以把人联合在一起的民主制度

    The US government does many of these jobs badly, and some not at all. This is mainly because businesses and the rich have too much control over the government. In practical terms, it is no longer a democracy: it has fallen under the power of the plutocrats, so it no longer serves to keep them in check. The plutocrats also control the mainstream media, and use them to spread lies and distract people from real issues. They also set up funded lie campaigns--for instance, to deny the danger of tobacco, deny the danger of some pesticides, and deny global heating.


    The plutocrats don't want us to reclaim control of our government and make it do its many jobs. Therefore, their basic lie is the claim that government can't help people and people shouldn't try to use democracy for their aims. If we believe that, we won't see any solution for our main problem: curbing the plutocrats — and we will give up.


    Americans, don't give up on reestablishing and then using democracy!


    Although I do not endorse anarchism in the strict sense, I have a sympathy for an anarchistic approach to activities, where the people doing them are free to organize them. This is part of the spirit of the Free Software Movement that I launched,

    严格意义上来说,我不赞同无政府主义者。I have a sympathy for an anarchistic approach to activities, where the people doing them are free to organize them.这也是我发起的自由软件运动精神的一部分

    I think the ideal society would be one in which we don't need a state any more, because people have learned how to cooperate and treat each other decently without one. To some extent, the Free Software Movement has created an area in which this happens — but it is just a part of the computing field. I don't see any way for this to happen for life in general. Therefore, I reject the views of the Antisocialists. We would be fools to direct our state to neglect many of its vital missions.


    Noam Chomsky explained how the "tea party" idea that "We want the government off our backs" is used to distract working-class Americans from organizing for the Liberal (social-democratic) policies that they favor when asked.

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    US urges Israel to stop shooting at UN peacekeepers in Lebanon

    Jack Burgess

    BBC News


    US President Joe Biden has said he is "absolutely, positively" urging Israel to stop firing at UN peacekeepers during its conflict with Hezbollah in Lebanon, following two incidents in 48 hours.


    On Friday, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) said its troops were responsible for the incident, in which two Sri Lankan soldiers for the UN Interim Force in Lebanon (Unifil) were injured.


    IDF soldiers operating around the Unifil base in Naqoura identified a threat and opened fire, the Israeli army said, adding the incident would be investigated "at the highest levels".


    On Thursday, Unfil's two Indonesian soldiers were injured falling from an observation tower after an Israeli tank fired towards it.


    The leaders of France, Italy and Spain issued a joint statement condemning Israel's actions, saying they were unjustifiable and should immediately come to an end.


    Sri Lanka's foreign ministry said it "strongly condemns" the IDF attack which injured two of its soldiers.


    The head of UN peacekeeping said there was reason to believe some firing on UN positions in southern Lebanon had been direct, though he did not ascribe responsibility for the incidents. 联合国维和行动负责人表示,有理由相信,对黎巴嫩南部联合国基地的袭击是故意的

    "For example we have a case where a tower was hit by a fire and also damages to cameras at one of the positions - which obviously to us very much looked like direct fire," Jean-Pierre Lacroix told the BBC's Newshour programme. 对观察哨的袭击中,其中一台摄影机也被击毁,在我们看来,这看起来很像是直接对观察哨开火。Jean-Pierre Lacroix(法国外交官)这样对BBC的新闻节目说道

    As Israel's invasion of southern Lebanon continues, the IDF and the Lebanese armed group Hezbollah continued to fire missiles and rockets across the Israel-Lebanon border.


    The IDF said it had detected about 100 rockets crossing into northern Israel from Lebanon within the space of half an hour on Friday. Two unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) were detected crossing from Lebanon, one of which was intercepted, the IDF said.


    The Lebanese ministry of health said three people, including a two-year-old girl, were killed in an Israeli raid on the city of Sidon in southern Lebanon. Two Lebanese soldiers were killed after Israeli forces targeted an army post in the town of Kafra in southern Lebanon, the Lebanese army said.


    In the capital, Beirut, emergency workers continued to comb through the wreckage of buildings hit by two Israeli air strikes on Thursday.


    Lebanese Prime Minister Najib Mikati said the attacks came with no warning and killed 22 people, all civilians, and injured another 117. Israel has not commented.


    Israeli forces launched a ground invasion into southern Lebanon last month as they escalated their response to rocket fire from Hezbollah.


    Hezbollah and Israel have been trading near-daily cross-border fire since last October, when the Palestinian armed group Hamas in the Gaza Strip carried out a deadly attack in southern Israel. 自从去年10月以来,真主党和以色列一直都有很频繁的边境贸易,而那时巴勒斯坦武装组织哈马斯在加沙地带发动了对以色列南部的致命攻击

    The IDF has said the UN post struck in Naqoura on Friday was about 164ft (50m) away from the source of the threat identified by soldiers. It said it had told peacekeeping troops to stay in protected spaces at the time. IDF发表声明,称在星期五的时候,被攻击的联合国Naqoura基地距离以色列士兵发现的危险目标只有164英尺(50米)远,并且以方已经在那时告知维和部队要呆在安全区内

    Unifil said Israeli military vehicles had knocked over barriers at another UN site in Labbouneh, closer to the border with Israel.


    The incidents represented a "serious development", it said. 事态变得更加的严重了,Unifil这样对记者说道

    Mikati said Friday’s attack was "a crime which is directed at the international community".


    Israel argues that Unifil has failed to stabilise the region, and has asked peacekeepers to withdraw northwards so it can confront Hezbollah.


    The Israeli ambassador to the UN, Danny Danon, has reiterated Israel's call for Unifil personnel to withdraw north by 5km (3 miles) to "avoid danger," but the UN's Jean-Pierre Lacroix said they would remain in position.

    以色列大使Danny Danon已经再次呼吁Unifil人员向北撤退5公里(3英里),避免误伤联合国维和部队,但是维和部队的Jean-Pierre Lacroix说,他们还是会呆在原地

    About 10,000 peacekeepers from 50 countries are stationed in Lebanon, alongside around 800 civilian staff. 有来自50个国家的大约10000名维和人员驻扎在黎巴嫩,同时还有大概800名文职人员

    Since 1978, they have patrolled the area between the Litani River and the UN-recognised boundary between Lebanon and Israel, known as the "Blue Line". 自从1978年起,维护部队就在Litani河与联合国承认的以黎边界之间巡逻,这块区域更加熟知的名字是“蓝线”

    Hezbollah began firing rockets into northern Israel on 8 October last year, the day after Hamas's deadly attack on southern Israel. The Iran-backed group says it is acting in solidarity with the Palestinians and has said it will stop firing if there is a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas in Gaza.


    Over the past three weeks, Israel has dramatically escalated its campaign against Hezbollah, intensifying air strikes against southern Lebanon and southern parts of Beirut, assassinating Hezbollah's leader Hassan Nasrallah and launching a ground invasion.

    在过去的三个星期,以色列加大了对真主党的打击力度,对黎巴嫩南部和贝鲁特南部区域进行更加猛烈的空袭,并且暗杀了真主党的领导人Hassan Nasrallah同时地面部队也开始挺进

    Lebanon says more than 2,000 people have been killed, mainly in the recent escalation, and hundreds of thousands have been displaced. This week Hezbollah rocket fire has killed two Israeli civilians and a Thai national, Israeli authorities say.


    In a separate development on Friday, Gaza's Hamas-run civil defence agency was quoted by the AFP news agency as saying at least 30 people were killed in Israeli strikes in the Jabalia town and refugee camp in the north of the Palestinian enclave. 另外一边星期五这一天的事态发展是这样的,法新社援引加沙哈马斯民防机构的声明称,至少有30人在以色列对Jabalia镇和巴勒斯坦北部难民营的空袭中丧生

    The IDF has not commented on the issue. IDF对此不予置评

    Meanwhile, the medical charity Doctors Without Borders (MSF) said "thousands are trapped" in the Jabalia refugee camp, including five of its staff.


    The MSF said Israeli forces had issued evacuation orders on 7 October in Jabalia, "while carrying out attacks at the same time", meaning people could not leave safely. MSF声称以色列军队10月7日的时候在Jabalia发布了疏散令,但是在同一时间也马上发动了攻击,这意味着人们并没有足够的时间来撤退

    Dr Mohammed Salha, the acting director of the al-Awda Hospital in Jabalia, told the BBC's Newshour programme the area had been under siege for seven days.

    Mohammed Salha医生是Jabalia al-Awda医院的代理院长,他告诉BBC的记者,这片区域已经被围困长达7天了

    He warned that the hospital would run out of fuel on Saturday, as Israeli forces were "cutting Jabalia from the rest of Gaza".


    "No medication, no medical supplies, no healthy water, no fuel, so pressure, pressure on these people to move and go directly to the south," Dr Salha said.


    Israel has been conducting a new ground operation in the area, saying it is targeting regrouping Hamas fighters who aim to launch attacks, with dozens of people reportedly killed or wounded in northern Gaza in recent days.


    SEEKFORFREEDOM   在小组 2047 回复文章

    Reasons not to use Apple

    Apple reportedly had objections to what Jon Stewart said in his video program — it canceled the show after he had criticized China, and something the article describes as "AI". (It could be that what he criticized was actually large language models, which may be an important issue but are not "intelligence".)

    据报道,Apple对Jon Stewart在视频节目中的言论表示反对——在他批评中国以及AI后,节目就被取消了(他批评的实际上是大语言模型,并不是人工智能)

    We should protect the media from censorship by commercial interests by not allowing companies that make or sell other products to be involved in the business of making or distributing audio or video programs.

    I expect that Apple does much worse things than this in its distribution of video programs. For instance, I suspect it requires viewers to run nonfree software with DRM, compels them to identify themselves, and imposes an immoral "antisocializing" contract where you promise not to share a copy with anyone else. (Not coincidentally, this resembles the bad things that commercial e-books do.)


    Apple demonstrates the arbitrariness of its censorship by blocking an app that tells people with text messages when US drone attacks kill civilians.


    The author said that this app was meant to raise awareness. I hope Apple's censorship of it raises awareness.

    Apple deauthorized a Wikileaks access application, using censorship to support censorship.

    However, that doesn't justify Apple's censorship.


    Steve Jobs used Apple's censorship power to impose prudery on the net, and this is part of why Stumblr is now deleting everything that won't be rated G.

    Steve Jobs用Apple的审查权力来禁止掉网络中的色情信息,这也就说明了为什么Stumblr删除了一切不属于G级别的信息

    I tried to view a Tumblr page, but its contents did not appear. It seemed to be totally dependent on nonfee Javascript code. Whatever may disappear from Tumblr, I personally will not miss it. Nonetheless, I am concerned about this issue because creeping prudish censorship is dangerous in general; we should fight it in general.


    Let us therefore invite Apple to go fuck itself and post a selfie of that act on Stumblr.


    Apple surely did this because of threats from China. (We are not supposed to suggest that a "good corporate citizen" would uphold freedom at the cost of profits.) But the reason Apple could do this is that it gave itself censorship power over applications for iMonsters, through the proprietary code of the operating system.


    Offering a checking service as an option could be useful and would not be wrong. Requiring users to get Apple's approval is tyranny. Apple says the check will only look for malware (not counting the malware that is part of the operating system), but Apple could change that policy step by step. Or perhaps Apple will decide that helping Hong Kong protesters constitutes malware.


    Apple is responsible for its actions, but one general problem that tends to encourage this behavior is the fact that companies are multinational. China will always find a way to censor companies that do business in China. And so will many other countries.


    I think we must limit a forum to doing actual business in one single country. It could allow people to post and read without asking them what countries they are in. This way, other countries would have no levers over the company, no way to make it censor anything.


    In 2021, Apple has been shifting more production to China.




    Using the lever of "You have a choice, but unless you say yes, your old activities will stop working" is something that Apple has done before, with malicious "upgrades". Apple ostensibly doesn't force people to accept the new nasty thing; it just punishes them if they don't.

    Apple's Capitulation to China's VPN Crack-Down Will Return to Haunt it at Home.

    The Apple CEO met with the troll and said: "Tim Cook from Apple, I'm here to talk to the President-elect about the things we can do to help you achieve your stated goal."

    Reevaluating Apple's reputation for good design: design for nonrepairability is not good design.


    Apple is a major patent aggressor. Here's a rather absurd patent that Apple will surely use against other mobile computers. This joins many other patents which Apple is already using to attack free software. Apple是专利的侵犯者,Apple用一个相当荒谬的专利去与其他移动电脑做竞争,Apple用专利去攻击自由软件

    Apple devices lock users in solely to Apple services by being incompatible with all others, both the ethical ones and the unethical ones.


    When Apple suspects a user of fraud, it judges the case secretly and presents the verdict as a fait accompli. The punishment to a user found guilty is being cut off for life, which more-or-less cripples the user's Apple devices forever. There is no appeal.

    SEEKFORFREEDOM   在小组 2047 回复文章

    Reasons not to use Apple

    My response to any disservice which asks me to accept of those forms of mistreatment is to invite it to jump in the lake.


    Apple censors information about abortion providers.


    As of 2015, Apple systematically bans apps that endorse abortion rights or would help women find abortions.


    This particular political slant affects other Apple services.


    People should not do business with Amazon, which mistreats authors, publishers, its workers, and its customers. Ms Lisle's presupposition that the goal of success is all that matters is not admirable.

    人们不应该和Amazon做生意,因为Amazon不公正的对待作者、出版商、它自己的工人和顾客。 Apple banned from iTunes the erotic novel, The Proof of the Honey, saying it was because of the cover.

    iTunes上禁止The Proof of the Honey这部色情小说,Apple说这是因为封面的问题

    Apple censored a game for the iThings called Angry Syrians, which is a political parody of Angry Birds.


    Apple said it was "defamatory or offensive" — to the dictator Assad, apparently.


    Apple cut off access to the app store for Iranian users of iMonsters.


    The underlying wrong here is that Apple gave itself censorship power over everyone that uses those computers — power that we should not allow anyone to have.


    As of 2020, Apple still censors for China — and acts as China's enforcer to make other companies censor for China.


    Apple spies on its users, and helps others spy on them.


    If you carry a cell phone, it tells Big Brother where you are. Apple wants to hand out the information too.


    Apple has outsourced its user data storage in China to a company controlled by the Communist Party of the province of Guizhou


    Apple can track iMonsters even when they are suspended.


    This distributed bluetooth network is said to be "secure", but it is obviously not secure from Apple or from governments that can command Apple's obedience (such as the US and China). 分散式的蓝牙网络据说是“安全”的,但是如果Apple自己调数据或者政府(例如美国和中国)要求Apple提供数据的话,那么显然就是不安全的

    The Guardian press seems blissfully unaware of this spying. It even repeats Apple's claims to help users protect their privacy — but only some aspects of their privacy. Just as software developers have redefined "security" to mean "security against everyone but us", Apple is redefining "privacy" to mean "privacy from everyone but us."

    卫报出版社并没有意识到这种间谍活动。它甚至认为苹果是在帮助用户保护他们的隐私——隐私中的某些方面。软件开发人定义的“安全”是"security against everyone but us",Apple自己定义隐私是"privacy from everyone but us".

    People might want to post comments there (be civil about it!) or send letters to the editor. I am sure there are dozens of publications which could use the same sort of response.


    Worker abuse


    Apple persists in disregarding the widespread blatant abuse of the workers that build its products.


    In 2015, the workers making Apple products in China are still mistreated.


    Apple uses sweatshops in China to build its products.


    Sweatshops are good for Foxconn (and for Apple), but not for workers.


    An undercover journalist reports on the horrible conditions in the Foxconn factory that makes iThings: still horrible in 2012.


    Foxconn closed schools and forced the students to work building iThings.


    Working conditions at Apple's other Chinese suppliers are even worse than in Foxconn.


    Today's Apple Pegatron sweatshops are even nastier than the Foxconn sweatshops it used before.


    Just because you're not pregnant, should that make it ok to require you to work 11 hours a day, 6 days a week? Apple is culpable if its products are made by people working a longer workweek than is allowed in the US.


    Mistreatment of workers making Apple computers continues in 2014.


    This is a general injustice, and will continue until the "brand" companies are made legally responsible for treatment of the workers that do their work, just as if they were direct employees of those companies. But that doesn't excuse Apple.


    Tax avoidance


    Apple practices tax avoidance using loopholes and lobbying.


    Apple pioneered techniques for avoiding the US corporate tax (even though it is far too low) in order to pay next to no tax.


    The loopholes that Apple uses would be closed, if not for the political power of business. "Free trade" treaties give business increased power to block such changes, so we must abolish them to break business's power.


    This text was transcribed from a video recording. I can't offer a reference because the web site requires nonfree Javascript code.


    Cook was angling for a big tax cut for multinational businesses.


    Apple Avoided $40 Billion in Taxes (by lobbying for a tax cut). Now It Wants a Gold Star?

    Apple通过游说免交了400亿美金的税。现在它难道想要 a Gold Star?

    Right to repair


    Apple Is Lobbying Against Your Right to Repair iPhones, New York State Records Confirm. Apple正在游说去除用户自己修理iPhones的权力,纽约州政府确认了这个消息

    Apple forbids recyclers of Apple computers from extracting any usable spare parts from them, by imposing nasty contracts. Apple通过恶心人的合约来禁止Apple电脑的回收商从电脑中拿走可用的零件

    Apple's conduct should be forbidden by law so that no company can ever do this.


    The iPhone 7 has DRM specifically to brick it if anyone other than an authorized repair agent fixes it.


    The term "lock" is inadequate to describe this sort of malware. Let's use other words that show what's really going on.


    Apple faces trial in Australia for bricking devices because they had had an "unauthorized" repair.


    Apple machines are built with unusual screws that make it difficult for the owner to take them apart.


    Along with technical barriers, Apple lobbies against "right to repair" laws.


    Apple is campaigning against right-to-repair laws that weaken the unjust effect of the DMCA.


    Other reasons

    其他原因 Apple charges a high price for storage on "Apple's cloud", which turns out to be a cloudy thing: it farms out the data to other companies.

    “Apple's cloud”收费高昂,同时Apple还把数据外包给其他公司

    Apple iThings pioneered a new level of restricting the users: they were the first general purpose computers to impose censorship over what programs the user can install. Apple practices Digital Restrictions Management in many other ways too.

    Apple iThings在限制用户方面达到了一个新的高度:它们的电脑可以监视用户到底装了什么软件。Apple公司也在很多其他方面实践DRM

    Ebooks with DRM won't work on an iThing that is jailbroken, due to intentional sabotage by Apple.


    E-books with digital handcuffs are products designed to attack your freedom, much like the iThing itself.


    Apple exploits the app developers mercilessly, aside from a few stars whose role is to give a misleading impression of what developers can expect.


    I can't sympathize much with those app developers, since they are making proprietary software. They all deserve to fail. However, that doesn't excuse the way Apple treats them.


    Apple lures people into the business of developing apps with visions of the great wealth that a few of them get. Most just fail, often losing a substantial investment.


    Anyone who intentionally develops proprietary software (i.e., does not respect users' freedom) deserves no sympathy, but that doesn't excuse Apple for luring people into it. Some of them would not have tried to develop proprietary software if not for Apple.


    Lots of iThing users complained that they did not want the U2 album "gift" that Apple stuck them with — and that it was hard to delete.


    These complaints focus on a superficial problem, reflecting the shallow thinking that Apple instills in its users. Ironically, though, this superficial problem reflects a much deeper problem that the complainers have failed to notice: the unjust power that Apple has imposed on whoever uses an iThing or iTunes.


    Apple turns a blind eye to environment in China.


    Although Apple has joined EPEAT again, it does not cover the iThings — only the Macintosh.


    Apple practices planned obsolescence for the iBad — in just two years.


    Apple store staff are taught twisted psychological manipulation.


    The mere practice of referring to service staff as "geniuses" is dishonest already.


    Apple stores are cunningly designed theater, somewhat like Disneyland. The employees are all young because people with dependents can't afford the low pay.


    The European Union wants to require small electronic devices to have a standard USB-C charging port. Apple is against it, because it profits from imposed incompatibility.


    Naturally, Apple cites "innovation" as a reason to sell incompatible power adapters. Our society systematically overstates the importance of innovation, because many businesses find that a useful excuse for mistreating users in various ways.


    SEEKFORFREEDOM   在小组 2047 发表文章

    Reasons not to use Apple



    Apple imposed a new limit on file-sharing following a demand by the Chinese government.


    Apple Suppressing Human Rights Critics for China.


    Apple has blocked Telegram from upgrading its app for a month. This evidently has to do with Russia's command to Apple to block Telegram in Russia.


    The Telegram client is free software on other platforms, but no apps are free on an iThing


    Apple used its censorship system to enforce China's censorship by blocking distribution of the New York Times app.


    More about Apple's censorship of apps and other malicious functionalities in Apple software.


    Apple appears to be censoring all bitcoin apps for iThings.


    It should be illegal to make or distribute computers which are platforms for censorship.


    Apple's mail service silently censors the mail people send.


    Apple censors iTunes ebooks — banning all mention of Amazon.


    Of course, publishing in iTunes was already bad for other reasons, such as DRM, and requiring users to use nonfree software.


    Apple has censored an application designed to help Hong Kong protesters communicate. Apple审查了一款用于香港抗议者通讯的软件

    Apple plans to require that all application software for MacOS be approved by Apple first.


    Apple left a security hole in iTunes unfixed for 3 years after being informed about the problem. During that time, governments used that security hole to invade people's computers.


    Apple's nonfree Safari browser spies on users for the Chinese company Tencent.


    The new version of MacOS — and therefore the new generation of Macs — informs Apple of every time the machine launches a program.


    Apple is putting DRM on batteries, and the system software turns off certain features when batteries are replaced other than by Apple.


    Apple doesn't trust, or respect, those who use its products.


    SEEKFORFREEDOM   在小组 2047 发表文章

    Reasons not to use Google

    Nonfree software required


    A nonfree program submits the users to the power of the program's developer. This is an injustice to the user. Alas, most Google services require running nonfree code.


    Google is implementing a universal web DRM system.

    Google正在计划一个通用的web DRM系统

    Making it even a little worse, Google will control the software and the data. But don't get distracted by evil details — the worst thing about this scheme is that it is DRM.


    Amazon, Google parent Alphabet and Microsoft are being sued over imagesused to train their facial recognition technologies.


    In general, most Google services require running nonfree Javascript code. If you refuse to run that (for instance, by running LibreJS), you'll see that you should not use those services.


    Even making a Google account requires running nonfree Javascript software sent by the site.


    Google Groups requires the use of nonfree Javascript software, so please don't host your discussions there.

    Google Groups需要使用非自由的Javascript软件,所以还是不要使用这个软件了

    Google Docs requires nonfree Javascript code to edit a document, or even to look at one with the usual URL.

    Google 文档需要使用非自由的Javascript代码来编辑文档,即使是看文档也需要

    IceCat comes with an add-on that permits read-only access to some documents on Google Docs. That alleviates some of the harm done when others use Google Docs to host projects, but does not alter the conclusion that you should not do so.


    Around 2011, Google Maps worked without running Javascript code. Then something broke: the page worked fine except that the map did not appear.


    Nowadays, nothing whatsoever appears if Javascript is disabled. Use OpenStreet Map!

    现在的情况就是如果不使用Javascript,什么都不会显示。还是用OpenStreet地图代替Google map好了!

    Youtube.com requires nonfree software (Javascript code) for normal use of the site; after changes Google made in August 2017, nothing is visible in a typical Youtube page without running its nonfree Javascript code.

    Youtube.com 需要非自由软件(Javascript代码)来使其可以正常使用。在2017年8月以后,Google做了修改,然后就是如果不运行非自由的Javascript代码,在Youtube页面里什么都不会显示

    For my own freedom's sake, I do not run the nonfree Javascript software sent by Youtube. I advise you to refuse likewise; what's directly at stake is your own freedom.


    However, nowadays I can access Youtube, by doing it indirectly through the invidious proxies, whose welcome site is invidio.us. This works even if the browser has Javascript disabled, and implements downloading. However, Google is threatening to attack those proxies.


    To avoid leading other people astray, please don't refer to videos using the host name youtube.com or its aliases. Instead, make a link to invidio.us or one of the associated proxy sites. Lead people to what is good, not to what is bad!


    Just make sure not to choose a proxy that is "protected" by Cloudflare, since that sends its own nonfree software.


    This way of referring is probably fail-safe: it may cease to work, but it will probably not start leading people to run nonfree software.


    There is also a Firefox add-on to bypass that Javascript code. IceCat comes with that add-on by default. But that won't overcome the blockage of access via Tor.


    If Google defeats the invidio.us proxies, I can ell you how I will not respond. I will not surrender to youtube's nonfree software and surveillance. I enjoy having access to the music and video there, but I will not do foolish or desperate things to keep that access. You shouldn't either!


    You don't need a special "platform" to post an audio or video on the Web. You can post an audio or video file on any web site. Just put the file on the site and link to it as if it were an ordinary page. All graphical browsers can handle that.


    Google censored installation of Samsung's ad-blocker, saying that blocking ads is "interference" with the sites that advertise (and surveil users through ads).

    Google会监控三星的ad-blocker有无安装,一旦发现用户安装三星的ad-blocker,就会提示此软件与网站中的广告服务冲突(可以通过广告监控用户) The ad-blocker is proprietary software, just like the program (Google Play) that Google used to deny access to install it. I would refuse to have either of them on my computer. Using a nonfree program gives the owner power over you, and Google has exercised that power.

    ad-blocker是专有软件,就像只能通过Google Play安装软件一样。我不会在我的电脑上安装这两者中的任何一个。使用非自由软件会让开发者拥有控制你的权力,Google已经拥有了这种权力

    Surveillance To identify yourself to a Google service is a grave error.


    Google stores a list of all purchases a user has made that in any way mention the user's a gmail account. A user can delete purchases from this list, but only one purchase at a time. Then that purchase disappears from the list that the user sees. Whether it remains in another list, we do not know, but I'd expect Google to answer that question with doubletalk.


    The article talks about what Google cites as its motive for doing this, but the motive is irrelevant — because it's not an excuse.


    Google's alarm system, "Nest Secure", turns out to have contained a microphone all along — but only recently started listening.

    Google的Nest Secure警报程序会一直开启麦克风功能,不过最近才开始会有监听用户的情况

    Google "sanitizes" its total search logs, then publishes them; but it declines to describe the process of "sanitization", and there is evidence that users can be tracked through them.


    The article also mentions two-factor authentication, which in and of itself could be a useful technique (though I've read that crackers can now defeat it), but has the flaw of requiring a mobile phone. My rule #2 for digital security is not to have a mobile phone.


    Gmail was planned from the start as a massive surveillance system, to make psychological profiles not only of Gmail users but of everyone who sends mail to Gmail users.


    Google quietly combined its ad-tracking profiles with its browsing profiles.


    Google has found a way to track most credit card purchases in the US, even those not done through a phone, and correlate that with people's online actions.


    Google can't do either side to me, since I pay cash and don't carry a mobile phone, and it doesn't know what web sites I look at.


    Google Play sends app developers the personal details of users that install the app.

    Google Play会把用户安装app的详细信息报告给其开发者

    Merely asking users' "consent" for this is not enough to legitimize that. We know that most users have given up on reading just what they are "consenting" to, and the reason is that they are accustomed to being told, "If you want to use this service, you must consent to blah blah blah."

    要求用户同意协议也不能使得软件公司的行为合法化。因为绝大多数用户会放弃阅读软件使用协议,并且也习惯于被告知如下的事实,那就是如果你要使用此软件服务,你就必须要同意blah blah blah.

    To truly protect people's privacy, we must stop Google (and other companies) from getting this personal information in the first place!


    Google stores a huge amount of data on each user. This can include, in addition to the user's search history and advertising profile:


    A timeline of the user's location throughout each day


    Data on the usage of non-Google phone apps

    非Google app的使用数据

    'Deleted' emails and files uploaded to Google Drive

    已经被“删除”的邮件和文件会被上传到Google Drive

    Facebook and Google joined with ISPs to defeat a privacy initiative in California.


    Collecting the many ways Google is involved with US government surveillance, abroad and in the US, amounts to quite a package.


    Google invites people to let Google monitor their phone use, and all internet use in their homes, for an extravagant payment of $20.


    This malicious functionality is not a secondary aspect of a program with some other purpose; this is the software's sole purpose, and Google says so. But Google says it in a way that encourages most people to ignore the details and remain unaware of the extent of the spying. Anyway, mere consent does not legitimize massive surveillance.

    恶意功能不是软件次要目的,这是软件主要的目的,Google也同意这一点。但是Google的解释是,人们不必过分关注监控的具体细节,最好是不要意识到这一点。不管怎么样, 就算同意软件使用许可也不能使监控变得合法化。

    Amazon and Google want "smart" gadgets to report all activity to them.


    In other words, if you have a "smart" (read "spy") lightbulb with that proposed feature, and tell an Amazon or Google listening device about it, thenceforth any time you switched it on or off no matter how, it would send a report to Amazon or Google.

    举例来说,如果你拥有了一个"smart"(read "spy")的电灯泡,并且告诉Amazon或Google的监听设备你拥有此智能设备。那么不管在任何时候也不管你有没有关闭灯泡,它都会给Amazon或Google发送报告

    Even today, the only way to make "smart" products safe is to ensure they cannot connect to anyone else's systems.


    Another piece of Google's surveillance capitalism: when stores mail receipts to a gmail.com account, Google figures out and records who bought what.


    I think that the store itself should not get this information, which is why I always pay cash and never give my name.


    Google faces lawsuit over tracking in apps even when users opted out.

    Terms of Service

    Google cuts off accounts for users that resell Pixel phones. They lose access to all of their mail and documents stored in Google servers under that account.


    It should be illegal to put any "terms of service" on a physical product. It should also be illegal to close an account on a service without letting the user download whatever was stored there.


    These events provide another reason why schools must never ask a student to use a service account linked to the student's name.




    Amazon and Google have cut off domain-fronting, a feature used to enable people in tyrannical countries to reach communication systems that are banned there. Amazon和Google已经禁止了domain-fronting,此功能可以让处于暴政国家中的人民访问在其国家被禁止的聊天系统

    French blogger Claims YouTube Tried to Censor Juncker Interview.

    法国的blogger阐述了YouTube想要监控Juncker Interview的情况

    Google has agreed to perform special censorship of Youtube for the government of Pakistan, deleting views that the state opposes.


    This will help the illiberal Pakistani state suppress dissent.


    Youtube's "content ID" automatically deletes posted videos in a way copyright law does not require.

    Youtube的"content ID"会自动删除不符合版权法的上传影片

    YouTube has made private deals with the copyright industry to censor works that are fair use.


    More information.

    Google shut off Alexa O'Brien's Google Drive account, denying her access to it, because her reporting on Chelsea Manning's trial included copies of al-Qa'ida propaganda that was presented as evidence.

    Google关闭了Alexa O'Brien的Google Drive账号,阻止其继续访问。因为她在账号中存储的al-Qa'ida资料已经被Chelsea Manning案件列为证据

    Google is deleting porn artists' porn videos from their own private accounts, quietly and mysteriously.


    Never trust a remote storage company to keep anything but a spare backup copy. When you store that, put your files into an archive and encrypt it so that the company can't tell what's in them — not even their file names.


    Vox lawyers got Youtube to take down criticisms of a video published by Vox, and threaten the critics with punishment, too.


    The videos were almost surely fair use, but Youtube decided against the critics anyway. This shows how Youtube's general submission to the copyright industry constrict's people's rights. Youtube对待用户合理使用版权的作品的做法遭到了很多批评。这也同时表明了Youtube对于版权产业侵犯用户权力的妥协


    杂项 Google is a tax dodger. Of course, it's not the only one, but that is no excuse.


    Google supports the TPP because of three mostly-evil provisions that would benefit Google.


    Google has made it so that Chrome now automatically installs the DRM module. This makes it dangerous for security researchers in the US to investigate possible insecurity in Chrome. More information.


    Support is growing for reverting US antitrust law to what it was before Reagan weakened it. That is why Google is using its influence to weaken those that campaign against this.


    How I Got Fired From a D.C. Think Tank for Fighting Against the Power of Google.


    Google told a reporter in 2011 that web sites without "+1" buttons would be punished with lower search rankings. When she published a story in Forbes about that, Google pressured Forbes to take it down.


    Google is being sued for "deceptive" suggestions that users can disconnect themselves from old location data simply by making a new account and changing settings. Google建议用户只要新建账号并更改设置就可以与以前账号的位置数据脱离联系,因为这一误导性的建议,Google被起诉了

    SEEKFORFREEDOM   在小组 2047 发表文章

    Reasons not to use Intel

    Don't use Intel processors newer than Core2, because they have the "management engine" back door.

    Recent AMD processors have a similar problem, but we do not yet have an article about it.




    SEEKFORFREEDOM   在小组 2047 发表文章

    Many governments invite schools to invite companies to snoop on students

    Richard Stallman, 2022-06-01

    Human Rights Watch studied 164 software packages and web sites recommended by various governments for schools to make students use. It found that 146 of them gave data to advertising and tracking companies.

    The investigators were thorough and checked for various snooping methods, including fingerprinting of devices to identify users. The targets of investigation were not limited to programs and sites specifically "for education" — for instance, they included Zoom and Microsoft Teams.

    I expect that each package collected personal data for its developer. I'm not sure whether the results counted that, but they should. Once the developer gets personal data, it can provide that data to advertising profilers, as well as other companies and governments, and it can engage directly in manipulation.

    The recommendations Human Rights Watch makes follow the usual approach of regulating the use of data once collected. This is fundamentally inadequate; personal data, once collected, will surely be misused. The only approach that makes it possible to end massive surveillance starts with demanding that the software be free. Then users will be able to modify the software to avoid giving real data to companies.



    调查者仔细确认了各种不同的监控方式,包括指纹识别技术。调查的对象不仅仅局限于教育领域的软件和网站,同时也包括zoom和Microsoft Teams.




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