

tongtingwah  ·  2020年4月15日 米国市民、中国共産党を支持するすべての人に対して、通信を拒否。米国は中国を攻撃し、中華圏を解放しました。

最近在中文网络上出现攻击美国有关冠病的谣言,其它懒得管,今天我只说Tennessee Subamarine SSBN 734.


January 11, 2020 USS Tennessee (Blue) returned to Naval Submarine Base Kings Bay following a strategic deterrent patrol.

March 6, Cmdr. Justin M. Kaper relieved Cmdr. Paul Seitz as commanding officer of the USS Tennessee (Blue).

SSBN 734核潜艇并不是从去年12月出海就一直没有回港,公开信息显示1月11日回到Geogeria Kings Bay,并且3月6日进行蓝组指挥官更替。什么119天出海未回母港,爆发冠病,来源是哪里?想象力很丰富,但是错了。在地缘政治中,攻击敌人不能犯这种错误。


Tennessee (Blue) Holds Change of Command

KINGS BAY, GA, UNITED STATES 03.06.2020 Courtesy Story Commander, Submarine Group Ten
Subscribe 4 KINGS BAY, GA. (NNS) – The Ohio-class ballistic-missile submarine USS Tennessee (SSBN 734) (Blue) held a change of command ceremony at Naval Submarine Base Kings Bay, Georgia, March 6.

Cmdr. Justin Kaper relieved Cmdr. Paul Seitz as Tennessee Blue Crew’s commanding officer.

Capt. Craig Gummer, Commodore of Submarine Squadron 20, was the guest speaker for the ceremony and lauded Seitz’s leadership during his tour.

"Paul’s leadership is the core of each of his crew’s successes during his command tour,” said Gummer. “Your leadership qualities produced outstanding results and lead his crew in executing the Department of Defense’s top priority mission of strategic deterrence.”

During the ceremony, Gummer awarded Seitz with the Meritorious Service Medal for his service as commanding officer.

“You have done an absolutely superb job during your time in command of Tennessee (Blue). You dove head first into the challenges they brought and your results were nothing short of remarkable,” said Gummer.

Kaper, a native of Washington, Pennsylvania, took command of Tennessee (Blue), which is one of five Ohio-class ballistic-missile submarines in the U.S. Navy’s Atlantic Fleet. Kaper previously served as the operations officer for Submarine Group 10 and as the executive officer on USS Florida (SSGN 728).

Addressing his crew for the first time, Kaper emphasized, “Everything that we do ultimately derives from our indispensable mission of strategic deterrence. What we do is challenging. It takes a special type of person to do this job, and to do it well. Never forget how important you are, and how important your work is. The fact that you do what you do, and do it well, stops wars. The fact that you do what you do, and do it well, saves lives. That is the honor of our service, and it is what makes all of our sacrifices worth it.”

Kaper continued to look ahead at the next three years that he would be in command.

“The next several years will challenge us. They will throw problems our way that we didn’t anticipate, but we will meet those challenges head on and persevere as a team.”

Seitz, a native of Broomfield, Colorado, has been relieved of his duties as commanding officer since he took command in July 2017. His tour has encompassed four Atlantic Fleet strategic deterrent patrols. His prior commands include USS Houston (SSN 713) where he served as executive officer, and serving on the staff of Commander, U.S. Strategic Command. For his next assignment, he will report to Submarine Development Squadron 5 in Silverdale, Washington.

Seitz addressed his crew for the last time, acknowledging the support that he and Tennessee had received and highlighting his time he served in command.

“The Kings Bay family has been exceptionally strong, the infrastructure and operational support outstanding, the maintenance team is second to none and we are grateful to have been a part of it,” said Seitz. “As I reflect on the tour, I am humbled by what this team accomplished. We made mistakes and achieved success, and learned to optimize our strengths while mitigating our weaknesses…. I have learned something from each of you, and I appreciate the talents and skills you each bring to Tennessee. There is no way to run a submarine as complex as Tennessee without the expertise and effort put forward by its crew, and you gave me your very best.”

Seitz ended with his last advice to Kaper and the crew prior to relieving command.

“Cmdr. Kaper, I am confident that Tennessee will continue to improve under your leadership, and that you will make the team better with your vision of excellence. To the Tennessee team, I challenge you to provide Cmdr. Kaper the same level off excellence you have provided me, and I encourage you to push even harder to achieve excellence.”

As commanding officer of USS Tennessee, Kaper will be responsible for ensuring the submarine’s full mission capability in order to perform the Department of Defense’s primary mission of strategic nuclear deterrence.

The Ohio-class ballistic-missile submarine USS Tennessee was commissioned in Dec. 17, 1988 and is the fifth U.S. Navy warship to bear the namesake of the state of Tennessee. The submarine’s predecessor is the USS Tennessee (BB-43), the lead ship in the Tennessee-class dreadnought battleships commissioned in 1920. She was damaged in the battle of Pearl Harbor and was repaired to go on to become a large contributor in the Pacific campaigns. USS Tennessee (SSBN 734) recently completed her 88th patrol for the Atlantic Fleet, and will continue to do so for the next decade.


下面是谣言本体,不具有任何阅读价值,如果不是为了反驳,我不屑一看。 【潜水119天照样中标】 疑似零号病人现身? 美军潜艇119天未靠岸却爆发新冠,源头成谜? 2020-04-14 新冠肺炎疫情在全球爆发以来,一个始终困扰着各国专家的问题在于:究竟如何找到最初的感染者,即“零号病人”。在流行病的调查、防疫与治疗中,“零号病人”至关重要,只有确认了“零号病人”的经历,才能对疫病感染源、传播途径和可能的治疗手段做出相应的判断。





在通报确诊病例时,“田纳西”号正处在返航途中,即刚刚执行完一轮全球核威慑巡航部署。美国海军受到信息后,立即要求该艇终止一切任务,刻回港,大量救护车停在港口。随后,全艇人员和相关密切接触者被全部隔离,据悉总人数高达700余人。 ★ ★ “田纳西”号属于俄亥俄级






★ 美核潜艇突然暴发疫情!新冠这个锅中国不背

据美国纽约时报等多家外媒消息报道,美国海军在SSBN-734“田纳西”号战略导弹核潜艇上发现新冠肺炎的确诊病例,随后美军紧急召回了这艘出航执行战备任务的潜艇。 其一回到港口,就被大量救护车团团围住,潜艇上的出现症状的人立刻被送去住院。而整艘潜艇上的150名舰员都被立刻隔离,就连这艘潜艇所在基地中的接触者也被隔离,约有700多人在隔离行列。

对于美国海军来说,这艘潜艇出现疫情,是仅次于罗斯福号航母因疫情隔离的巨大打击。 美军俄亥俄级弹道导弹核潜艇一共有18艘,其中四艘被改装,只有14艘继续作为美国海军的战略核打击力量基石存在。

而这14艘一般只有3~5艘处于海外巡航备战的状态,其他核潜艇需要进行维护和休整,而田纳西号核潜艇正属于准备出击的那一批。 这艘潜艇由于疫情而失去行动力,这无疑会极大地打击美国海军的可用战略核潜艇力量,对美国整个国家的战略核打击能力都是一大削弱。

不过,战略核潜艇都出现疫情,其疫情的来源就显得非常蹊跷了。 美军航母和军舰到访别国发生传染还可以理解,但战略核潜艇则不然,不可能是国外传播而来,只可能是美国本土但疫情传播。

据纽约时报报道,田纳西号刚一靠岸,美国海军就调集了大批救护车包围了港口,将田纳西号上的150名官兵全部送往位于基地内的海军医院进行检测和隔离,而少数已经出现感染症状的官兵将被送往专门医疗机构进行隔离治疗。 这些艇员就像罗斯福号航母上的水兵一样,人人自危。

除此之外,和田纳西号乘员有过接触的其他海军官兵也遭到了隔离,被隔离的总人数已经超过700人。 有媒体指出,田纳西号是美国有史以来第一艘因病毒疫情而被迫“瘫痪”的核潜艇。 同时,田纳西号无法如期部署将严重威胁美国的国家安全,因为这意味着美国的海基核威慑力量很可能将在未来一段时间内处于“缺损”状态。

  1. tongtingwah   米国市民、中国共産党を支持するすべての人に対して、通信を拒否。米国は中国を攻撃し、中華圏を解放しました。

    我直接说,中国传播的任何有关美国的负面消息,只要发给我,我就去核实。我就是奉行美国价值观,认同American Spirit,赞同美国对中国的各种符合对等原则的措施