
How to change the world by changing yourself

minjohnz  ·  4月3日 修改续写《姜大神之诸神空间》中,估计没空来此地了。

There is a word those people who see themselves as God's agents like to use : humble.

Yet actually we can see their inside arragant in nearly each statement made by them.

So, if you want to change the world by changing yourself,

the first thing you should do is not to change some appearance such as daily behaving, e.g. smiling or hi five,

but to remind yourself your ignorance every morning.

Remember you don't know anything about the God, even if this name God is right or wrong. Why you don't think this title is probably too much simple for him. Why he is not beyond those concept regarding high or low, big or little.

By studying tv drama, we can know nothing about how the television work,

those who get a glimpse of other channel don't know about it better than you either.

The First Cause is unnamable,

because if there is a God, he would not need an agent,

he probably accept those people who consider themselves as his agent to call him as a God.

But he is not just a God.

He is who behind everything, it means he is the ultimate secret always concealed by all of these things, including all kinds of holy names.

We’d better admit our ignorance, be actually humble, not just use this word to decorate yourself.

If everyone can do that, this world would be very different.

People would be more united certainly.

Please think about this: is putting faith in God and following those words which was not directly form God’s mouth are the same thing?

And since He is behind all of it, is it necessary for him to speak to you directly or indirectly?

Is there any possiblity that your arragant make you believe that you are the chosen one who is less ignorant than others?

If you are already 100% sure of something, there is no need of a belief.

So, the real ultimate war between light and darkness is within us, not outside.

Don't hurry to argue, listen first, and ask yourself if there is any question you'd like to learn from your opposite.

  1. minjohnz   修改续写《姜大神之诸神空间》中,估计没空来此地了。

    The meaning of life is to admire this process from birth to death.

    At the beginning, as a child we can only taste sweet,

    we reject all the bitterness.

    After growing, we may have a cup of coffee or tea everyday.

    If this world is kind of paradise, it would be boring eventually.

    If there is an author who is being called by someones as God,

    then we, the readers are the ones who fullfill his purpose.

    I don't think his work is just as simple as a fairy tale or a simple war story between two sides.

    Since there are so many people keep think shallowly, not good must evil, not rich must loser,

    I feel it is unfortunate for human being to have so many tools of high techonology, just like a boy playing huge knife.


    The First Cause is unnamable,

    because if there is a God, he would not need an agent,

    he probably accept those people who consider themselves as his agent to call him as a God.

    But he is not just a God.

    He is who behind everything, it means he is the ultimate secret always concealed by all of these things, including all kinds of holy names.

    We’d better admit our ignorance, be more humble,

    don't fight any war in the name of God or Tao, or Freedom, Glory, or any Country's name.

    Be aware of the various slogans, including "freedom first" "my country first" "me first" "xxx(whatever it is ) first" "weeds rock the world" "we deserve it, let it end".

    Why do we have to follow any of them or any other supposed prophecy?

    (We are just bricks on different walls, when in fact the walls are the same).

    Eve did not lie, there was a serpent, which is an allegory that talks about a sense of continuity such as time or memory. Without such feelings, there are no conditions for the formation of self-awareness or self-knowledge. (This allegory is not so good because self-awareness is not so bad as a snake, without self-knowledge, who can admire the beauty of our worlds, even a God has to come to earth for a birth in our world to understand the most beautiful things in our world: the human joys and even sadness.)

    Humans are the most complex animals on the planet. If your body is too simple to perceive your environment clearly, you will find it difficult to perceive the movement and change of everything in front of you.

    Without sensing moving or changing images, it is difficult to form the concept or idea of a mirror/screen/stage/platform (self-awareness or self-knowledge), which is often referred to as the ego.

    The opposition of what can sense and what is sensed, the opposition of mirror image, the opposition of I and non-I, is called objectified thinking,which is growing up with self-knowledge,

    both of which end up trapping us into a dilemma. Either be a miserable sensitive person or a happy ignorant beast. This is why drugs are everywhere(including digital ones and “spiritual” ones) .

    Every pair of eyes is different, and we see ourselves differently from how others see us. This is why we feel alone.

    The reflection of light takes time.

    So we can never see us in the mirror as we are now, all we see is history. You have changed.

    If the change is so rapid and you are so sensitive that you suddenly find a face in the mirror that seems to be a stranger whose facial expression does not match your current emotions, you too may go crazy.

    Somehow we all lose ourselves.

    Clinging to any attachment (including concepts) such as the body, mind, thoughtless states, spiritual experiences, the Tao, God, Śūnyatā, etc., ........ that can never satisfy our desire to find the true Self or the real us. For they are all like images in a mirror, television set or other stage or platform. What we really desire is the 'mirror' and not 'any image', so how can we be satisfied?

    You don't have to do anything but realise that the real you or the true self is there all the time.

    It's like you're looking for a horse on the back of a horse. Once you realise that you have been riding it from the beginning (or before the beginning) you will immediately stop looking.

    Yet within every yang is always a yin, and every belief/hope is based on doubt/fear.

    If you are already 100% sure of something, there is no need of a belief.

    So the real ultimate war between light and darkness is within us, not outside.

    The creator (author) could be a monkey who is typing at random. We just happen to be living in a readable novel in which logic seems to be at work, but not really, and it is the monkey who creates all the illusions that is really at work.

    It doesn't matter who the author is. (It is the eternal ultimate question and secret, hidden not only behind all that we sense, but also by all the concepts we imagine, including the Tao, God and emptiness.

    One might think that the creator (the author) is so important that all meaning depends on him. But is the meaning of an author complete if he has no readers, especially the author of a detective novel? You might even ask: does he really have any meaning, no matter how big he is, how long he lives, or how great he is in any way?

    I asked my son the other day, when he was a little boy, "Is the sky blue?" ." No, at night it's black." He's clever." If there was a superman whose eyes could and always did see infrared or ultraviolet light, would the sky be blue or black for him?" Without the eyes of life, colour means nothing to the sky.

    Why should we doubt the meaning of life, why should we not doubt the meaning of the universe, or even the meaning of the creator. No matter how small we may be, no matter how short our lives may be.

  2. minjohnz   修改续写《姜大神之诸神空间》中,估计没空来此地了。

    It seems hardly anyone questions the logic in "The Avengers' Infinite War" or "The Three Bodies", even though they have been taught the law of conservation of energy separately in school.


    Most people look forward to world war 3 unconsciously.

    This is because they have been educated in a different (but practically identical) system of war preparation, where fighting for resources is unquestionable.

    For example, hardly anyone questions the logic in "The Avengers' Infinite War" or "The Three Bodies", even though they have been taught the law of conservation of energy separately in school.

    One would think they could use a war to settle the ultimate choice between faiths. (At first it seemed like other issues, such as "who deserve all sorts of resources")

    If the law of conservation of energy is correct.

    No energy gets consumed, it just keeps shifting or transferring between different forms.

    So, much science fiction is wrong.

    The speed (kinetic energy) of anything (such as a spacecraft) can never be escalated infinitely.

    That's why the speed of light seems to be the same for all.

    In a way, we can say that life is also a form of energy.

    Therefore, there is a limit to the number of any species.

    There is no need for any war to reduce the population for fearing that there will not be enough energy to consume.

    War is not that great at all.

    In order to adapt to the various war machines and try to be part of them, people are losing the ability to remain independent (especially to think independently) and their talents are diminishing generation after generation. War does not make us better.

    People often imagine the environment as a colosseum. The environment chooses those who suit them, not the strong. It is the weak (the simple-minded) who suit their environment (and become part of the war machine).

    The Western push for individuality was an illusion and the reality was that the family could not be regulated into a screw or a brick to the detriment of industrialisation.

    In the film Shawshank, there is a word called "institutionalisation".

    People are divided into different prisons of the mind.

    Not only are they used to these walls, but they are born into them, a brick in the wall, and they even enjoy it so much that they are willing to sacrifice everything for words like "glory" (or, ironically, "freedom").

    All similar military governing disguised by slogans. slogan sounds different, the system is same. that's how 1% rule 99%. The ability of acting is most useful, people actually buy it.

    If people keep ignoring their inner loss of themselves and unconsciously clinging to various images (e.g. the body) or concepts (e.g. the Holy names), World War III and the end of the world is inevitable, and it may have already begun in Europe in the conflict near the borders of Catholicism and Orthodoxy.

    Any world will eventually be ended. This does not matter. For, life is an energy which will be recycled, which means that after the death of a life or an entire world there will be a new world.

    But it is a shame that such a beautiful world like Earth is being ended in a war of names/concepts. What can we do to prepare for it? We should do our best to stop it.

    Be aware of all kinds of slogans.

    The First Cause is unnamable,

    because if there is a God, he would not need an agent,

    he probably accept those people who consider themselves as his agent to call him as a God.

    But he is not just a God.

    He is who behind everything, it means he is the ultimate secret always concealed by all of these things, including all kinds of holy names.

    We’d better admit our ignorance, be more humble,

    don't fight any war in the name of God or Tao, or Freedom, Glory, or any Country's name.

  3. minjohnz   修改续写《姜大神之诸神空间》中,估计没空来此地了。

    Comparing to modern civilization which started in Dutch and England, none of others have made more impact to human beings.

    Due to it people's personal life seemed having become much better if you care about the sense of body only.

    But if I was a Dutchman or Englishman, I would not be very proud.

    Think about that song by Pink Floyd, "you are just another brick in the wall."

    A civilized society should give talented people more chances,

    since civilization means more detailed division of jobs.

    Otherwise, all of Mozart can do is singing and dancing aroud firepile in the night.

    But, modern civiliztion is too focus on being effective and constantly tryin to make people replacable parts of a hugh machine , inclunding a war machine.

    In order to adapt to the various war machines and try to be part of them, people are losing the ability to remain independent (especially to think independently) and their talents are diminishing generation after generation. War does not make us better.

    People often imagine the environment as a colosseum. The environment chooses those who suit them, not the strong. It is the weak (the simple-minded) who suit their environment (and become part of the war machine).

    The Western push for individuality was an illusion and the reality was that the family could not be regulated into a screw or a brick to the detriment of industrialisation.

    In the film Shawshank, there is a word called "institutionalisation".

    People are divided into different prisons of the mind.

    Not only are they used to these walls, but they are born into them, a brick in the wall, and they even enjoy it so much that they are willing to sacrifice everything for words like "glory" (or, ironically, "freedom").

    All similar military governing disguised by slogans.

    Since there are so many people keep thinking shallowly, not good must evil, not rich must loser,

    I feel it is unfortunate for human being to have so many tools of high techonology, just like a boy playing huge knife.

    By the way, from my view , the invention of modern business in Dutch is more important than industry revolution in England.

    It has changed the way of organization.

    In traditional society, including Roman or China, including anciet Greece, the society was not based on a buch of total stangers, which means the potential to expand unlimitedly,

    including a power which be called as production capacity by Maxist,

    but acutally also a destroying capacity to the nature.

    Modern people can easily move for one company to company , it seems kind of a freedom.

    But what the cost?

  4. linda   rico y libre

    看成了hanging yourself

  5. minjohnz 回复 linda /p/207894

    这据说是甘地的名言。(不是原文,不记得原文了) 有趣的是,他的确常常把自杀当成手段。

  6. minjohnz   修改续写《姜大神之诸神空间》中,估计没空来此地了。
  7. minjohnz   修改续写《姜大神之诸神空间》中,估计没空来此地了。
