
共建「网络契约」(contract for the Web)

万维网发明者 Tim Berner Lee 在 2018 年 11 月的网络峰会上发起 Contract for the Web 全球计划。该计划倡导政府、互联网公司、个体需要遵守若干承诺,共同保护网络安全。

  • The web is one of the most transformative tools the world has ever seen and has changed billions of lives for the better. But a growing set of risks threaten its power as a force for good.

  • The Contract for the Web is a global action plan to address these threats and to protect an open web that is safe, empowering and for everyone.

  • It will guide the digital policy agendas of governments and the decisions of companies as they build tomorrow’s web technologies.

  • It sets standards, rooted in human rights, for the development and implementation of new technologies, and the policies and laws we need to support them.

  • It brings together the core parties shaping the future of the web — governments, companies and civic groups — around a shared set of commitments that are rooted in human rights, setting out concrete actions they and individual web users must take to build a web that works for all humanity.

Contract for the Web 分别对政府、互联网公司、用户个体 提出了不同的原则:


  1. 确保每个人都可以连接到网络
  2. 始终保持所有互联网可用
  3. 尊重和保护用户的网络隐私和数据权利


  1. 使所有人都能负担得起上网费用
  2. 尊重并保护用户的隐私和个人数据,建立网络信任
  3. 网络是以人为本的公共事物,Develop technologies that support the best in humanity and challenge the worst


  1. 成为网络上的创作者和合作者
  2. 建立尊重公民话语和人格尊严的强大社区
  3. Fight for Web: 无论现在还是将来,网络始终保持开放状态,并为世界各地的人们提供全球公共资源

Contract for Web 官网:https://contractfortheweb.org

  1. xyz   备份:https://t.me/s/pincongessence; https://nei.st

    个体要遵守的原则的三点,我都同意额,我也希望大家都遵守。但是从现实来说,有什么reinforcement mechanism可以奖赏做到的,惩罚违背的吗?

  2. 小二   默认开启批量屏蔽受限用户发言功能,可在设置中手动取消。

    看了一下 HN 上的讨论,不看好的居多。原因 @xyz 也提到了,空洞的话过多,最新的 Silicon Valley S6E5 也在讽刺这种口号式的倡议书。


    其实我觉得还是要靠实打实的去中心化、尊重用户的产品去改变现在的互联网,mastodon 就是回应巨头的最好产品,代码开源,任何人都可以建立实例,用户可以从一个实例迁移到另外一个实例,可以下载自己的全部数据……


  3. rrrr  

    @小二 #2 mastodon我也看好,只是好像没什么中文玩家

  4. 一粒粒  
