

linda  ·  2022年6月24日 rico y libre

Paige Thompson found guilty in 2019 Capital One data breach


Paige A. Thompson has been convicted in the Capital One data breach that affected more than 100 million customers in the U.S. and Canada.

An anonymous email sent to Capital One fueled the FBI's investigation and led to Thompson's arrest in July 2019. The FBI traced a GitHub post that contained the stolen data as well as social media statements made by the former AWS engineer.

A jury in the U.S. District Court in Seattle found 36-year-old Thompson guilty of wire fraud, five counts of unauthorized access to a protected computer, and damaging a protected computer.

The DOJ also revealed steps leading up to the network intrusion. Though she left Amazon years before the hack, the DOJ said while employed at the company, Thompson built a tool she used to scan AWS' cloud platform for misconfigured accounts.

"With some of her illegal access, she planted cryptocurrency mining software on new servers with the income from the mining going to her online wallet."

Additionally, the press release emphasized how Thompson "bragged" about her illegal actions through texts and online forums under the alias "erratic." The DOJ also said she spent hundreds of hours advancing her scheme, which cost Capital One hundreds of millions in lawsuits.

简单说下吧,这个亚马逊的码农在离职前往亚马逊的云服务器上塞了个木马,然后在云上挖矿塞进自己钱包里,另外她还扫描云上有漏洞的账户,结果抓了Capital One的大瓜。而且她没事还在社交媒体上说自己干了一票。

  1. Sith 独裁者
    Sith   本人在论坛里面只有一个ID


  2. linda   rico y libre

    @ZEROHOUR #188965 在云上挖矿塞自己钱包,这类似于很久以前银行的码农修改账户计算程序,把不足一分钱的金额塞进自己账户里,从而对广大银行用户切香肠。这种事情没人查当然不显著,但是一旦有it部门审计,立马露馅。

  3. Nemo  


  4. linda   rico y libre

    @Nemo #189084 不行的哦,拿公司机器挖矿发到自己钱包里还是很容易查的。

  5. Nemo  

    @linda #189092 所以,這位她是聰明還是笨?聰明到可以安木馬,笨到被抓住。或是他/她潛意識裡希望被抓到因為他/她追求的不是錢而是一舉成名?當一個小偷被抓到的時候,他/她應該是為他/她的所做所為而後悔或是為了被抓住而後悔?

  6. linda   rico y libre
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