
Arti: 一个用内存安全语言Rust实现的Tor节点程序



What's more, our existing C implementation has grown over the years to have a not-so-modular design: nearly everything is connected to everything else, which makes it even more difficult to analyze the code and make safe improvements. One thing that we found, however, was that our existing C code was not modular enough to be easily rewritten. (Rust's security guarantees depend on Rust code interacting with other Rust code, so to get any benefit, you need to rewrite a module at a time rather than just one function at a time.) The parts of the code that were isolated enough to replace were mostly trivial, and seemed not worth the effort—whereas the parts that most needed replacement were to intertwined with each other to practically disentangle. We tried to disentangle our modules, but it proved impractical to do so without destabilizing the codebase.





At every stage, we've encountered way fewer bugs than during comparable C development. The bugs that we have encountered have almost all been semantic/algorithmic mistakes (real programming issues), not mistakes in using the Rust language and its facilities. Rust has a reputation for being a difficult language with a picky compiler - but the pickiness of the compiler has been a great boon. Generally speaking, if our Rust code compiles and passes its tests, it is much likelier to be correct than our C code under the same conditions.

(在开发过程的每个阶段,我们遇到的错误都比用C语言开发的对应阶段少得多。我们遇到的 bug几乎都是语义/算法错误(即真正的编程问题),而不是使用Rust语言本身和开发设施的错误。Rust以复杂的语言和挑剔的编译器而著称——但是挑剔的编译器是一个很大的优点。一般来说,只要我们的Rust代码编译并通过了测试,那么比起C代码,相同条件下Rust代码就更可能正确。)



cargo install arti

