

minjohnz  ·  1月5日 用不着算老几,都可以既不喜欢官老爷又不喜欢洋大人的。敌人的敌人还是敌人。同样,我不认为现代文明或传统文化是完美的

There are two types of groups made up of individuals. One is like a castle built with Lego blocks, where each person must give up their own needs and even sacrifice for the group’s goal. The other is like an online 3D game. From the sunlight eight minutes ago to the person in front of you just moments ago, nothing truly exists in the same place at the same time. The difference is that in the second type, each person is unique and cannot be replaced, making it more meaningful than the first type. The mind of modern humans should be like a web, not like a pyramid. People should fight against the common mental slavery and work toward true awakening as human beings.

Two Types of Groups and the Way Forward for Humanity

In life, we often belong to different groups. Some groups are small, like a family or a group of friends, while others are big, like a company, a country, or even humanity as a whole. But have you ever thought about what kind of group is best for people? Let me share two types of groups and how they shape our lives.

The First Type: A Castle of Lego Blocks

The first type of group can be compared to a castle made of Lego blocks. Each Lego block is important to build the castle, but the castle is more important than any one block. In this group, individuals are asked to give up their own desires, dreams, and sometimes even their lives for the group’s goals.

For example, imagine a soldier in the army. The soldier’s job is to follow orders, protect the country, and sometimes fight in dangerous wars. The soldier might need to sacrifice their own safety for the greater good of the nation. This is like the Lego block being used to build the castle — the castle cannot stand without each block.

However, there is a problem with this type of group. It often ignores a basic truth: nothing in the world truly exists in the same place at the same time. From the sunlight we see, which left the sun eight minutes ago, to the person in front of us, whose appearance is shaped by moments of light and shadow, everything is connected through a delay, not an instant reality. This shows that the strict, fixed structure of the Lego castle does not match the fluid and ever-changing nature of reality.

What’s more, this type of group is often used as a tool for mental control. In education, for example, this mindset can create a system where people are taught to see themselves as just one small, replaceable part of a larger whole. Some even justify this by quoting phrases like “It is an honor to be a simple brick in the ark,” as if losing individuality is a virtue. This kind of thinking keeps people trapped in mental slavery.

The Second Type: A Web of Unique Beings

The second type of group is different. It is like an online 3D game where every player is unique. Each person in this group is special and cannot be replaced. The focus here is not on the group’s goal but on each individual’s unique value.

For example, think of a team of artists working together. Each artist has their own style, ideas, and contributions. The team’s success depends on the creativity and individuality of every member. Unlike the Lego castle, this type of group values each person for who they are, not just what they can do for the group.

This way of organizing a group feels more meaningful because everyone’s uniqueness is celebrated. People feel valued and free to express themselves. This type of group allows individuals to grow and reach their full potential. What’s more, it better reflects the truth of our world: a web of connections where every part is both unique and essential, without being confined to a rigid structure.

Why the Web is Better for Modern Humanity

Today, the world is changing fast. Technology connects people from all over the world, and ideas travel faster than ever before. In this modern world, the first type of group — the Lego castle — doesn’t work as well as it used to. People no longer want to live as small, replaceable parts of a machine. Instead, they want to live as unique individuals with their own dreams and ideas.

The second type of group — the web of unique beings — fits modern humanity much better. A web has no strict hierarchy. Everyone is connected, and every connection is important. In this way, people can work together while still keeping their individuality.

For example, think of social media platforms or online communities. These platforms connect millions of people, and each person has a voice. Whether someone shares a funny video, a personal story, or an important idea, their contribution adds value to the whole network. No one’s voice is exactly the same, and that’s what makes the web strong.

Breaking Free from Mental Slavery

However, for this new way of living to work, we must overcome a big challenge: mental slavery. Mental slavery means blindly following old rules, beliefs, or systems without questioning them. It’s like living in a cage even when the door is open. Many people are stuck in this kind of thinking because it feels safe and familiar.

In fact, the mental world of the Earth has long been dominated by various forms of monotheistic culture, including seemingly atheistic ideologies like Marxism-Leninism. These systems promote a worldview of absolute opposites—good versus evil, us versus them, victory or defeat. This mindset influences every field, including science, which often becomes a pursuit of endless success or domination.

One result of this is education systems that train people for perpetual readiness for battle. This creates a population of individuals who, without realizing it, are prepared to be sacrificed at any moment, like sheep led to the altar. They are taught to see themselves as tools for a higher cause rather than as unique, valuable beings.

To truly embrace the web of unique beings, we must break free from this mental slavery. This means learning to think for ourselves, questioning old systems, and valuing our own unique ideas and abilities. It also means respecting the uniqueness of others and working together in a way that uplifts everyone.

Steps Toward True Awakening

Here are a few simple steps we can take to create a better world:

Value Uniqueness: Celebrate what makes you and others different. Everyone has something special to offer.

Encourage Creativity: Find ways to express yourself and support others in doing the same.

Question Old Systems: Ask if the rules or systems you follow still make sense in today’s world. Don’t be afraid to change.

Build Connections: Work with others in a way that respects their individuality and strengthens the group.

Stay Open-Minded: Be willing to learn from others and adapt to new ideas.

The Future of Humanity

As we move into the future, humanity has a choice. We can continue to build castles of Lego blocks, where individuals are just parts of a larger machine. Or we can create a web of unique beings, where everyone’s value is recognized, and each person contributes to a better world. The choice is ours, and the time to act is now.

Let’s work together to build a world where individuality is celebrated, connections are strong, and everyone has the freedom to live as their true selves. This is the path to true awakening and a brighter future for all of us
