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  1. 一颗颗   在小组 2049BBS 回复文章

    The marks of an educated man

    @懦夫斯基 #5 或者你是否觉得作者在这个章节里谈论过的东西已经完全过时了?

  2. 一颗颗   在小组 2049BBS 回复文章

    The marks of an educated man

    @懦夫斯基 #5 你觉得religion, faith, belief, God, theology, spiritual, 这些词汇之间是否都是指同一个东西?还是在描述某一个领域的不同事物?

  3. 一颗颗   在小组 2049BBS 回复文章

    The marks of an educated man

    @懦夫斯基 #5 1930年的纽约已经是满城汽车,曼哈顿已经是摩天大厦林立、天际线跟今天差不多了,电报已经非常普及、越洋电话已经打通,很多人都使用上了电话,纽交所和一些大新闻机构之间已经使用的蒸汽驱动自动邮件投递网络,相当于今天的电子邮件。客机、越洋渡轮都非常普及,铁路网络早就四通八达。爱因斯坦的相对论已经提出。你觉得那个时代受过教育的美国人或者纽约人比今天的地球人要缺乏对科学技术对生活的影响的理解差很多吗?

  4. 一颗颗   在小组 2049BBS 回复文章


    @Runner #4 看来你是没法反驳,说这些有的没的,不知道是不是听不懂英文

  5. 一颗颗   在小组 2049BBS 回复文章

    The marks of an educated man

    @懦夫斯基 #5 你觉得作者语境下的Religous life大概是什么样子,是否等于宗教虔诚?non-religious life又是什么样子?

    CHAPTER XXVII He Lives a Great Religious Life

    If science has done nothing more than to bring men speed, comfort, luxury, money and playthings, it is not worth the price we have paid for it.

    Unless it has brought men a better religion, sounder morals and a richer humanism, then the old days of dogmatism, ignorance, superstition, hate, war, persecution and bloodshed, which have been the fruits of all the religions of the past, were better, I think, than the prospect which lies ahead.

    This is precisely the situation which faces both science and social order throughout the world to-day. For science has given men its products and instru- ments, but it has not given them its religion, its ethics, and its humanism. It has given men its material life, but not its spiritual life ; it has not taught the masses of men a new way to live.

    Here, then, lies the practical danger. Science has mechanized all civilization. It has invented a world machine. And after it invented this world machine the business men and politicians ran away with it and thought they could manage it without the scientific spirit. A man in an airplane is not of necessity any more emancipated, sane, wise, tolerant or civilized than a man in an ox-cart. Science can not emancipate men unless they catch its spirit. When men take posses- sion of its machines, chemicals, communication and transportation without its liberalizing spirit they ex- ploit men and exploit life — they do not teach, nor en- lighten, nor free the human spirit. They chain men to bigger and bigger machines beyond their power to understand or to control. They make new devices for war ; they use propaganda to control opinion ; they use the power of law and government and the courts and press to throttle free thought and free teaching. They build schools for their children with the aid of science and then gag the teachers within their walls. Dogma- tism with the added power of scientific instruments and inventions is thus the most dangerous thing to common men that has ever entered the world. For, if dogmatism becomes armed with the instru- ments of science, especially with its ease of communica- tion and power of propaganda, then the days when woman’s beauty and man’s heroism were thrown into the lion’s mouth for so-called conscience’s sake will seem like good old days, indeed. Hell hath no fury like dogmatism and bigotry with science as their hand- maiden.


    那么,你认为作者在原文谈到的religious life的内涵,在你认为的现代语境里应当用什么名词或对象来替代?