如果有明确迹象表明是钓鱼网站, 那么在有选择的情况下还是少上为妙.
因为ISP和目标网站服务器如果相互配合, Tor是完全无能为力的, 当然你是否值得被抓是另一回事, 如果一定要访问至少本地的痕迹要加密并事后清除干净.
The Tor design doesn’t try to protect against an attacker who can see or measure both traffic going into the Tor network and also traffic coming out of the Tor network. That’s because if you can see both flows, some simple statistics let you decide whether they match up. That could also be the case if your ISP (or your local network administrator) and the ISP of the destination server (or the destination server itself) cooperate to attack you. Tor tries to protect against traffic analysis, where an attacker tries to learn whom to investigate, but Tor can’t protect against traffic confirmation (also known as end-to-end correlation), where an attacker tries to confirm a hypothesis by monitoring the right locations in the network and then doing the math.
来源链接(找不到这句话可以用CTRL-F页面内搜这句话): https://github.com/net4people/bbs/issues/254#issuecomment-1564142547 -
管理员能否立即删除台湾妓院招嫖内容 疑似1450
Naive! 这只是维稳人员的策略而已, 可能的原因包括迫使管理员频繁活动暴露更多信息, 降低中共眼里的"不良信息"的曝光程度等.
管理员能否立即删除台湾妓院招嫖内容 疑似1450
与2047的建立小组类似, 除了特点是无门槛, 不需要声望, 而且可以设置更多功能.
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Mail2Tor网址: http://mail2torjgmxgexntbrmhvgluavhj7ouul5yar6ylbvjkxwqf6ixkwyd.onion/
样例: https://cltv.freeflarum.com/